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Workout Routines to Lose Weight

Charlie S
Following regular workout routines help people to tone up their weight by burning the excess calories and thereby increasing stamina and fitness levels. Read on to know more about the workout routines for weight loss.
Many people these days are finding it very hard to find a perfect solution for the problem of weight loss. Many working people complain of lack of time for exercise, due to their busy schedule.
However, we should understand that there is no other way to lose weight apart from following a proper workout routine fast and having a proper balanced diet.
The routines to lose weight and gain muscles, are better ways of losing weight than consuming weight loss pills and undergoing weight loss surgeries because these procedures of losing weight have their own side effects. The following workouts can be done at home as well as in the gym as per your convenience.

Workout 1

The ab crunch exercise is one of the workout to lose weight and tone up the body for women and men. To do this exercise, lie down with your hands around your head and slowly try to bend your knees.
Now, slowly and steadily, start raising your upper body. Remember that the place of your lower back should not change and the position attained after raising the body should be held on for few moments and then you can go back to your first position. 
Perform this exercise ten times daily from Monday to Saturday - you can take a Sunday off, if the workout is done sincerely in these six days. This workout helps to tone the abs and lose weight.

Workout 2

The exercise ball abs workout, such as the ball crunch exercise, is a great workout to lose weight. In this workout, you should sit on the exercise ball such that the upper and lower portions of your back touch the ball perfectly and your feet touch the ground.
In this workout, your hips should be positioned slightly away from the exercise ball. Your abdomen will feel the crunch when you raise your body through your shoulder blades for one or two seconds. Then, return to the original position, thus completing one cycle of the workout. Do around twelve cycles of this exercise every day to get fabulous results.

Workout 3

You should have the essential and good quality exercise equipment at home to do these workout. Workout routines for weight loss should consist of cardiovascular exercises, stretching, sit ups and other floor exercises to achieve faster results.
The workout to lose weight and build muscle, such as arms and leg workouts, are very important for all young women and men. Doing jumping rope exercises from Monday to Saturday for ten to fifteen minutes, before the real workout, is a very good idea.
After this warm up, you can definitely exercise using balance board and stretch resistance bands. Some fun-filled workouts such as dancing, kick boxing and stability ball exercises and bicycle crunch exercises five days a week from Monday to Friday will benefit you a lot.

Workout 4

If you exercise in the gym, plan your workout routine in such a way that you do cardio sessions for stipulated time from Monday to Thursday, arms and chest exercises on Friday and aerobic exercises to lose weight on Saturday.
Exercises such as push-ups, side to side lunge, body weight squats and dead lift are the workouts to do at home.
You can follow a particular workout routine as per the schedule given and change in the next week, if it does not suit you. The routines mentioned here are recommended by fitness experts. You will definitely get the desired results, if you have consistency and sincerity in your workouts.