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What Causes Belly Fat

Reshma Jirage
Abdominal obesity or belly fat results from various reasons, such as menopause, genetics, stress, overeating, etc. Read on to acquaint yourself with the possible causes of belly fat.
Obesity is one of the most common health problems throughout the world. Numerous factors such as overeating, lack of exercise, and unhealthy lifestyle are responsible for being overweight. Belly fat or abdominal fat is most commonly associated with obesity. It is also known as visceral fat, spare tire, or pot belly.
It is equally common in both men and women, and it is quite a challenge to lose the fat of this area. It not only affects the appearance but also causes a number of health problems. It can cause type 2 diabetes, elevated levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, and high blood pressure leading to heart disease or stroke.
Various genetic, physical, and mental factors are responsible for abdominal obesity. Now, let's understand its causes in complete detail.

Probable Causes

Major causes are genetics, improper digestion, stress, menopause, slow metabolism, lack of exercise, and excessive eating.
Stress: According to researches, a pot belly can result from stress. When you are under stress, the cortisol hormone is released. Cortisol stimulates the storage of fat around the belly. When you are stressed, you often feel hungry and tend to eat more, which can lead to excessive weight gain.
Genetics: There are 2 body types, namely, apple body and pear body. In case of a pear-shaped body, fat accumulation occurs in the lower parts of the body. Fat stored in the abdomen and middle portion results in the body acquiring an apple shape. Most people have an apple-shaped body. If any of your parents have any such body type, then you are at a higher risk of developing a pot belly.
Slow metabolism: Metabolism rate is a major contributing factor of abdominal fat. A slower metabolism causes less burning of calories and excess accumulation of fats. You can increase the basal metabolic rate (BMR) with the help of a nutritious and balanced diet and regular exercises.
Improper digestion: Overeating and improper digestion can lead to a number of gastrointestinal problems. It causes gas and bloating. Eating late in the night can also interfere with the proper digestion of food. Going to bed immediately after meals also increases the risk of fat storage around the abdominal area.
Lack of exercises: If you follow a lazy lifestyle and keep on eating without any physical activity, then it can lead to obesity and accumulation of abdominal fat. It is extremely essential to burn the calories through exercises to maintain a healthy body weight.
Poor posture: Poor body posture can leave you with a paunch or 'pot belly' appearance. A proper posture creates a great difference in your appearance.
Alcoholism: Alcohol decreases the rate of metabolism and increases obesity. The calories obtained due excess alcoholism are often stored around the abdominal area.
Menopause: Menopause is one of the main reasons of belly fat in women. After menopause, many women tend to accumulate fat around the tummy due to hormonal changes.

How to Reduce Belly Fat

Many people think that belly fat can be reduced by means of weight loss. But, that is not enough to achieve the desired results. You should opt for a special dietary regimen, like a healthy abs diet that has a proper balance of fibers, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Taking up an exercise regimen is the best way to get rid of abdominal fat. Opting for strength training and aerobic exercises, like running, jogging, swimming, and brisk walking can prove to be helpful. Aerobic exercises contribute a lot towards fat burning.
In order to prevent a pot belly, you should follow a healthy lifestyle that includes a healthy diet balanced with regular exercises. You can also opt for stress management techniques, like meditation, yoga, and relaxation therapies to relieve yourself of stress. Staying away from alcohol can also prove to be helpful.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.