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Weight Loss Plans for Teens

Reshma Jirage
Teen obesity has become a serious problem over the last two decades. Here is some useful information about weight loss plans for teens.
Being overweight is a very commonly seen problem among adolescents. Binge eating is one of the common eating disorders associated with teen obesity. The term obesity can be explained as an excessive accumulation of body fat, resulting from unhealthy dietary habits and sedentary lifestyle.
Overeating and a lack of exercise play a significant role in developing obesity among adolescents.
Other causes of teen obesity are heredity, metabolism problems, overeating or bingeing, certain medications such as steroids, psychiatric medications, medical conditions such as endocrine and neurological problems, emotional problems and stressful life events.
Obesity in adolescents can lead to a number of physical and psychological problems, such as gallbladder diseases, sleep apnea, Blount's disease, hypertension and certain orthopedic problems such as Slipped Capital-Femoral Epiphysis.
Overweight teens may develop inferiority complex and low self-esteem, because they are teased about their appearance. To prevent these problems, teens should learn to maintain normal body weight by opting for a healthy lifestyle. Teen obesity can be treated with certain medications, dietary changes and increasing physical activities.

Weight Loss Plans for Teenagers

Weight loss plans for teens aim to achieve weight loss goals and improve their overall health. Balanced, healthy diet and regular exercise are keys to healthy weight loss. Such programs for teens should be planned and implemented very carefully and systematically.
Most diet plans are not recommended for adolescents, as these plans do not include all the nutrients such as iron, vitamins, minerals and calcium required for their healthy growth. So, take a look at some guidelines for weight loss programs for teens.

Dietary Changes

  • Drinking plenty of water and avoiding junk foods are some factors most recommended in the best weight loss programs for teens.
  • The focus should be on replacing a daily intake of junk foods with plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Processed foods, fast foods and foods that are high in fats or sugar as well as artificial beverages should be strictly avoided.
  • Excess intake of carbohydrates in diet can cause obesity in some adolescents. This can be prevented by replacing carbohydrates with high-protein diet.
  • Have plenty of water everyday.
  • A vegetarian diet is considered as one of the best weight loss diets.
  • You should consume a high-fiber diet that includes fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains. It is quite filling and acts as a natural appetite suppressant.
  • Certain fish such as salmon and tuna, which are rich in omega 3 essential fatty acids can improve metabolism and thus, be helpful for weight loss. These dietary guidelines are quite effective in maintaining healthy body weight.
Tip: Trick your mind by serving food in a smaller plate and avoid second helpings. Also, have smaller meals 6 times a day instead of 3 large meals.

Exercise Routines

Taking up a regular exercise program is one of the most effective ways for quick weight loss.
  • Teens should do at least 30 minutes of cardio workout such as walking or running on the treadmill, swimming or skating and playing different sports. These activities significantly increases metabolism and help to burn extra calories.
  • Walking is an easy and effective exercise to lose weight.
  • Swimming is also an excellent form of exercise, which is beneficial for your whole body.
  • Teens are generally addicted to watching television or playing video games. Instead, they should spend more time on the playground, playing different games such as soccer, football, hockey, tennis, etc.
  • If they are not able to join a gym or fitness center, they should at least take part in various activities in their school. These outdoor activities would provide good exercise for each body part and help to lose weight naturally.
Tip: You can catch up on your crunches and lifts while watching your favorite program on the TV. Jog to your friend's place and back in the evening. Clean your room once a week, it gives you loads of exercise, believe me.

Points to Remember

A few things that one must keep in mind before he/she goes for a weight loss program;
  1. Maintaining a diary and keeping a record of all the food items that are consumed each day is very important. This would help to make alterations to the daily diet and also help recognize the loopholes in the food habits.
2. As I have mentioned earlier, one must drink water, but one must also keep in mind that everything is good in moderation and it holds true for water as well. Drinking excess water can lead to many complications. A simple example is that it increase your total blood volume which puts unnecessary burden on your heart and blood vessels.
3. Teens MUST NOT pop weight loss pills as that is the worst that one can do to his/her body. These pills are not only useless (as they help in temporary weight loss and do not work on a long-term basis), they can cause many problems of the heart and head. Dizziness, headaches, elevated blood pressure, constipation, etc., have been commonly observed.
4. Setting goals and working towards them is a prerequisite. The goals should be realistic and one must make it a point to go stepwise. Do not jump and do not hurry. Be consistent and patient.
5. Losing weight is a good thing but one must check that he/she is doing it the right way. Losing more than 2 pounds a month is unhealthy and one must maintain a balance in the weight loss program. One must consult the health care professional immediately in case he/she loses excess weight even after following a proper diet and exercise routine.
6. Going for a cleansing as often as 15 days is recommended. Cleansing helps the body organs to function with renewed strength and aids in weight loss.

Tip: Never skip your breakfast. Finish off your supper by 7:30 p.m. Workout with a friend. This way, you can motivate each other.
Weight loss plans for teens that assist natural weight loss, do not cause any adverse effects. A balanced diet, adequate exercise and enough sound sleep are the basic strategies. If teens follow these strategies, they would certainly be able to maintain healthy body weight, which is essential for physical fitness and overall health.
It is always advisable to take professional help when following a rigorous regime. Remember that you are in your growing years and need a lot of energy and stamina. Do not victimize your body with a unhealthy lifestyle. Keep healthy!!