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Weight Bearing Exercises

Indrajit Deshmukh
If you want to improve muscle strength and bone density, the best way to do it is through weight bearing exercises that promote endurance and cardiac fitness. Get going with these to gain power...
Inculcating an exercise routine in our daily life, not only keeps us fit but also helps us strengthen our bones and build stamina. Weight bearing exercises are really helpful for people of all ages and especially for seniors to increase the range of motion and flexibility.
For people suffering with joint pains, arthritis and osteoporosis weight bearing exercises under consultation of a physician can give much-needed relief from pain. Exercise will help you keep your weight in check and it is also a great way to relieve stress.
Many studies have indicated that weight bearing exercises reduce the risk of arthritis and osteoporosis. Other benefits of these exercises are that they help reduce blood pressure problems and cholesterol levels, which are the major contributors to many serious health complications like heart attack and obesity.
When your muscles are forced to work against the force of gravity or when they are worked using some resistance like weight training it is known as weight bearing exercises. Bones are a living tissue and they respond to exercise by absorbing calcium and getting stronger, weight bearing exercises help improve bone density and mass. Some weight bearing exercises are:
Running: It is one of the best cardiovascular exercise, which promotes stamina and endurance. It is not advisable to run on concrete, as the hard surface may cause damage to the joints and bones. Using a treadmill is a very effective option and you can also adjust the resistance levels to suit your style and weight. Follow up your cardiovascular routine with some stretching exercises for seniors that concentrate on the spine region.
Aerobics: Nowadays, there are different types of aerobics that will help improve flexibility and mobility. One such style is step aerobics, in which a plastic step is used to perform aerobics routine, it is a good way to improve gait and balance.
Step aerobics assist greater joint movements and gives a sense of well-being to the practitioner. Water aerobics is also a newly developed version of aerobic exercises which is one of the better weight bearing exercises for osteopenia.
Weight Training: Lifting a few weights in the gym is very effective in improving our bone density, as the bone cells respond to the increased stress of weight training. Standing lunges is one of the best weight bearing exercises for hips along with step ups.
Consult your doctor before you do any exercises, especially hip exercises. Investing 8-10 minutes on the cross trainer or an exercise bike are also some of the ways you could strengthen your hips. If your doctor permits, try out a couple of quadriceps exercises to strengthen your thighs.
Spine Exercises: To improve your posture it is important that you strengthen your back muscles which support the spine. There are many yoga exercises that are good for the spine, also doing a few stretching routines will help to strengthen your spine.
One of the best weight bearing exercises for spine is to stand straight and raise your left hand above your head and bend side ways to your right, then repeat the exercise with your left hand.
Another back exercise to strengthen your spine is to lie down on your stomach keep you hands firmly on the ground and then raise, only the upper body to form a backward arch in your spine.
Weight bearing exercises will not only make you healthy, but also prevent many aches and pains that we get while going through our daily routine. If you cannot go to the gym, try weight bearing exercises at home, which can be done with things that you can find in the house or just buy some resistance band from your local sports store.