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Types of Push Ups

Bhakti Satalkar
Are you bored of doing the same type of push ups every other day? When there are so many different types of push ups, why will you not want to include them in your workout!
There are different names with which push ups are referred to in different parts of the world. The other name given to this exercise is press up. The body is in prone position, when this exercise is performed.
There are many benefits of push ups, as it works not just the pectoral muscles and the triceps, but it also works the deltoids and not to forget the midsection. Therefore, it is one of the best exercises to strengthen the core.
There are many push ups types, including different types in the exercise routine will help 'confuse' the muscles and derive better results from the exercise. The most common are the full push ups, where the back and legs are in one straight line. Let's discuss some of the best versions of push ups, here.

Push Up Variations

For many, their exercise routine is incomplete without a set or two of push ups. The best part about this exercise is that one does not need any sort of equipment to do it. You can do push ups even when traveling!

Basic Push Ups

In the list of different push ups types, this variant of the push up ranks higher, for the results of these push ups are by far the best. When one is new to doing push ups, one starts with this type.
Also, before one does the advanced forms of push ups, these push ups should be performed for warm up. It will work the pectoral muscles, deltoids, triceps and the ab muscles.
To do these push ups, lie in prone position on the ground. Place your hands such that they are exactly below your shoulders with your fingers pointing forward. Your legs should be extended out straight with the toes curled under.
Push into your hands and lift yourself off the floor, till your elbows are straightened. Slowly lower yourself, till your torso is about to touch the floor and then push yourself up again. This is one repetition of the exercise.

Isometric Push Ups

They are also known as static push ups. The method to do this type of push ups is the same as that for basic push ups. The only difference is that, when you lower yourself, you will have to hover just above the ground for about 20 to 30 seconds and then push yourself up again. This exercise works the dense muscle fibers located in the chest region.

Diamond Push Ups

This is one of the difficult type of push ups, due to the way the hands are positioned. The hands will be placed not under the shoulder, but under the chest. The index and the thumbs should touch each other to form a diamond. The remaining method is the same as that of basic push ups. This exercise works the inner pectoral muscle along with the triceps.

Plyometric Push Ups

These push ups are also one of the advanced push up types. There are different variations of this exercise as well. The basic one is the plyometric push ups are the explosive push ups. The steps are the same as the basic push ups variation, but only when you push yourself up, it has to be done with explosive force, so that you are lifted off the floor as well.

Wide Push Ups

There is a little variation in the basic and the wide push ups. In this version, the hands are placed at a little more than shoulder width distance. The remaining steps remain the same. With this variation the outer pectoral muscles and the triceps muscles are targeted.

Hindu Push Ups

Come to the starting position with the hands placed under the shoulders. When you are pushing your hands to straighten your elbow, you will come into an up-dog position and then straighten your hands.

Wall Push Ups

This is one of the best variation of push ups for women. Place the hands at waist height on the wall, but with shoulder width distance between the hands. There should be about 2 feet distance between the feet and the wall.
Slowly push yourself towards the wall till your chest is about to touch the wall. Then push yourself back up again to repeat the exercise. This variation can also be done on a bar, which is at waist height.
These were some of the commonly practiced types of push ups. When you are new to the exercise, start off slow with 5 to 7 counts and then gradually increase them. It is best to practice with a trainer initially to ensure you do them correctly.