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Treadmill Tips

The best way to use a treadmill is to start with proper preparation, then moving on to warming up, performing the main workout, and cooling down. Here are more details...
Ningthoujam Sandhyarani
A treadmill is probably the best exercise equipment designed for performing workouts at home. With this machine, you can reap the benefits of walking, jogging, and running while remaining at one place. In comparison to running on sidewalks, using a treadmill reduces discomfort and injury to the ankles, knees, and lower leg portion.
With advancement in technology, several features are also being upgraded in these machines for monitoring overall health and effective weight loss. With proper guidelines, you can achieve your weight losing goals properly.

Proper Preparation

There is no specific preparatory step as such for using a treadmill. All you need to do is to put on comfortable running shoes and outfit, and start walking. You can consider hearing music or reading your favorite book while performing the workout. This will definitely reduce boredom to some extent. However, make sure that you do not divert your mind from the exercise, so as to avoid falls and injuries.

Warm Up

For any sort of exercise program, warming up and stretching the muscles for a few minutes are crucial to increase stamina, and at the same time reduce injury. The same applies to treadmill workouts too. Consider walking at a speed of 1.5 - 2 mph for about 3 minutes, before indulging in jogging or running at a fast speed. Once you are used to this slow speed, gradually increase the warm up stride to 4 mph.

Main Workout

After the warm up session is over, you can continue with your already set running plans. Start with the low level first and continue it for at least 3 - 4 weeks. Do not jump to the difficult level directly, or else, it will cause muscle strain and injury. Afterward, you can adjust the pace and incline as per your personal fitness requirements. A slight inclination of 1 - 2% gives the effects of outdoor jogging and minimizes risk of leg injury.

Correct Body Posture

Another tip is to keep the upper body in an upright posture while exercising. It is common to pull the feet slightly backwards during a treadmill workout, but you should control your stride and avoid leaning forward. Also, never hold the handrails during running or jogging. They are configured for safe climbing and getting down from the treadmill.

Cool Down Step

Last but not the least, cool down after your workout is over. Compulsorily spend at least 5 minutes in slow walking or jogging at the end of the exercise program. This will bring the stride and heartbeat to near normal rates. Failure to cool down properly can cause dizziness, muscle cramps, and fatigue.
As we all know, both running and jogging are easy ways to lose weight. They are cardiovascular exercises that strengthen the heart muscles, promote circulation, maintain normal heart rate, and burn calories.