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Exercises to Strenghten Transverse Abdominis

Indrajit Deshmukh
The transverse abdominis is a layer of muscles which wrap around the spine acting as a natural weight belt. Transverse abdominis (TVA) are responsible for stability and core strength, and stimulating these muscles with exercise will strengthen them.
One of the muscles you need to train, if you want a good mid-section, is the transverse abdominis (TVA). This layer of muscles is a very important stabilizer. It originates from the inside part of the hip, is connected to the diaphragm, and runs all the way to the last rib. The TVA is brought into play whenever you are doing any lifting or pulling exercises.
The TVA muscles are trained differently than the abdominal muscles. Here are a few exercises to strengthen them.

The Plank Pose

For this plank exercise place your elbows on the floor, under your shoulders. Place your palms flat on the floor. Place your feet hip-width apart, and dig your toes into the floor. Keep your spine straight, and legs fully extended. Now lift your body off the ground, and use the forearms and toes to support your body weight.
Once you are up, suck your belly in towards your spine, and hold this position for a count of 20 seconds. Then, slowly lower yourself, and repeat the movement 2-3 times. If you are not able to hold the position for a count of 20 seconds, reduce the count, but increase the number of sets.

The Belly Suck

For this exercise, lie down on your back, on an exercise mat. Bend and raise your knees, such that the feet are placed firmly on the floor. Place your hands on the lower abs, so that your thumbs end up on the navel.
This will be your starting position. Now, inhale and suck your belly in, and pull your navel towards the spine. Hold the position for a slow count of 20. Then, slowly exhale, and return to the starting position. Repeat the movement 2-3 times, and endeavor to increase your time and endurance.

Hanging Pose

Stand under a pull-up bar, and place your feet hip-width apart. Grip the bar with both hands, such that they are shoulder-width apart. Relax your hips, and extend your legs fully. Look straight ahead, keep your spine straight, and do not bend your elbows.
This will be your starting position. Now pull in your TVA muscles inside, while maintaining the suspended position, Hold this position for a 20 seconds. Repeat this movement 2-3 times, and make sure you pay attention to the correct form.

Bent-over Pull In

Stand about 1-2 feet away from a flat table or platform. Bend over to rest your forearms on the table, such that your torso is parallel to the ground. From this start position, pull in your TVA muscles towards your spine, and hold the position.
This way you are pulling them against the force of gravity. Hold the position for a 20-30 seconds, and repeat the routine at least 2-3 times.
It is advisable that you exercise the TVA muscles to increase your core strength and stability, as well as to get perfectly sculpted abs.