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Transverse Abdominal Exercises

Madhura Pandit
Transverse abdominal exercises help in working out specific muscles and increasing the overall strength of the body.
There are certain exercises that help in toning particular muscles and also in increasing the overall strength of the body. If you are looking for exercises to tone your abs, which also aid in losing weight, then you can try transverse abdominal exercises.

TVA Muscle Exercises

As the name suggest, these exercises concentrate on the transverse abdominus muscle, which is a deep-set abdominal muscle. It is considered as one of the most important muscles in the body because it provides core stability to the body. Following these exercises helps in having well-developed and flat stomach muscles.

Exercise # 1

You should get down on your fours (hands and knees) and keep your back straight. Now, kick back like a horse with your left leg. The leg should be as straight in line with the spine as possible.
Now try to raise your right arm and stretch it in the straight line of your shoulder. All the while doing this, you should maintain a straight back and spine. Hold on for a couple of seconds and slowly get back to the original position. You can repeat this exercise with the right leg and left arm.

Exercise # 2

For this exercise, you need to lie on your sides. Rest your body on the left elbow with legs joined together. Now slowly try to lift up your hips and thighs. The elbow and the feet should remain fixed. Try to lift as much as possible.
You can place the other hand on the stomach for support. Hold on for a couple of seconds and slowly revert to the original position.

Exercise # 3

Now, this is a tough one and is to be done only when you are well past doing the aforementioned ones. In order to perform this exercise, you need to get into the push up position, i.e., you should lie on the ground, with your feet and body elevated and resting on your palms, facing the ground.
Now raise your left or right leg and try doing your regular push up. This exercise requires a lot of strength.
It is recommended to undertake these exercises under the guidance of a trainer. Initially, you should consult a trainer to get to know the right technique. Once you master that, you can perform these exercises at home to get a flat and toned stomach.
Secondly, it is also recommended to stop exercising if you experience any discomfort or pain, at any moment. Good luck!
Disclaimer: This story is meant only to provide information. It is recommended to consult the doctor to check you existing health before subscribing to any rigorous exercises.