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Top 10 Most Effective Ab Exercises

Madhura Pandit
Ab exercises are meant to lose abdominal fat, lose weight, and also tone the stomach muscles. Plank, crunches, bridge, etc., are some of the best abdominal exercises.
Everyone wishes to have a perfectly chiseled body. If you too crave for the same, you need to follow a proper diet and exercise plan. However, if you wish to have a flat and taut abdomen, you need to undertake abdominal exercises regularly.

Best Ab Workouts

1 # Bicycle Maneuver

You should lie down flat on the ground and place your hands at the back of your head. Now lift your legs and bend the knees at 45 degree angle. Move your legs as if you are riding a bicycle. Try to lift your arms such that the left elbow should touch the right knee. Repeat alternately, with right elbow and left knee.

2 # Side Plank

Firstly, lie down on your side, i.e., resting your body on your elbows. Next, keep your legs straight and try to raise hips. Rest the entire body on the elbow and try to maintain the position for 5-10 secs. Turn around and repeat with other hand.

3 # Bridge

Lie with your back flat on the ground, knees bent, and feet placed flat on the ground. Now try to lift your hips without moving your knees. You can place your palms at the sides for support. Try to hold the position for some time and regain the original position slowly.

4 # Stability Ball Roll Out

Kneel in front of the exercise ball and keep your forearms on top of it. Contract abdominal muscles and try to move the ball forward as much as possible without bending your back. Try to keep your feet and back in the straight line.

5 # Long Arm Crunch

Lie on your back on a mat with arms stretched straight backwards and clasped together. Now contract abdominal muscles and try to lift shoulder blades off the floor. You should do it slowly and stop if you experience even slight neck pain.

6 # Captain's Chair Leg Raise

You will require the necessary equipment for performing this exercise. Stand in the appropriate position and hold the handles for support. Now lift your legs and knees and try to bring them to your chest. The back should be kept straight during the entire exercise. Regain the original position.

7 # Torso Track

This exercise is also done using the appropriate equipment. Bend on your knees, hold the handle, and roll it forward. The back should be kept straight for the entire time.

8 # Rotations

Lie on your back. Next, bring your knees closer to your chest. Now twist the entire body from side to side. Your knees should touch the ground when moving on the respective side.

9 # Plank

Lie on the ground with your face towards the ground. Place your elbows and arms under your chest. Now try to lift your body by resting the entire weight on the elbows. The back and legs should be straight throughout. Maintain the position for a couple of seconds and then revert to the original position.

10 # Vertical Leg Crunch

You should lie with your back on the ground. Now, lift your legs straight up without bending your knees. Next, place your arms at the back of the head, try to lift your head up, and touch your knees. Hold for 1-2 seconds and slowly regain the original position.
You can perform a combination of 2-3 exercises during a single workout. Performing these exercises regularly can help in strengthening stomach muscles as well as preventing weight gain. As most of these exercises can be easily performed at home, you should surely go for it. But, in case you experience pain at any moment, stop immediately. Good luck!
This story is meant only to provide information. It is recommended to consult a certified trainer before commencing a strenuous exercise routine.