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Sweating Too Much After Exercise

Arjun Kulkarni
This post provides some information about excessive sweating after exercises and the causes that may be associated with the same.
Sweating and smell can make one quite uneasy and, people are always worried about whether they sweat too much while exercising. While sweating after exercises is considered to be normal and healthy, excessive sweating can be a cause of concern. However, it is difficult to distinguish between the amount of sweat that is normal and the one that is not.
One needs to observe whether this excessive sweating is caused only after exercising and stops after he/she has cooled down from the same. If this is not the case, and one experiences this condition while sitting, watching the television, or doing other non-strenuous activities, then it is better to consult the doctor immediately.

Excessive Sweating and Possible Causes

Sweat is released by the sweat glands in the skin. This is because sweating is the body's mechanism to stay cool. When the body heats up due to some intense activity, the skin needs to be cooled down. Hence, the sweat glands in the body release this liquid, which is known as sweat.
Thus, heat is the main cause of perspiration in the body. However, that is the cause of just normal sweating. Sometimes, there are cases wherein people tend to perspire too much after an exercise. Here are some causes for such a condition.
  • One of the main causes of excessive sweating is obesity. It is popularly known that obese people sweat a lot more than others. People know that the fat reserve in the human body ensures that the body does not lose heat. 
However, the excess fat on an obese person's body gives more insulation than the body needs and instead retains a lot more heat than the body needs. Hence, an obese person's body remains warm, which makes the sweat glands release more sweat.
  • Excessive sweating in known as hyperhidrosis. There are two basic types of hyperhidrosis. Primary hyperhidrosis denotes excessive sweating since adolescence. When a person passes through puberty, a lot of things in his/her body change. 
One of these things is the number of sweat glands. After hitting puberty, a lot of sweat glands in the body get activated. In some people, a lot more of the same get activated. This condition is known as primary hyperhidrosis.
  • The other type is known as secondary hyperhidrosis. Secondary hyperhidrosis is the sudden activation of sweat glands when they normally don't. It may occur at any time in life but is more commonly seen among people in their 30s. Furthermore, it is considered to be dangerous as it is seen as a side effect of a disease or a symptom of an impending disease.
It maybe a fallout of diabetes, gout, certain drugs, tumors, or mercury poisoning. It is a common symptom of problems in the working of pituitary and/or thyroid glands, with hyperthyroidism being more common culprit. Hence, if one observes that he/she is suddenly perspiring much more than usual, then he/she should get a check up done as soon as possible.
  • This condition may also be due to some nerve disorder. As mentioned above, sweating is the body's response to too much heat. So, if the nerves send signals to the brain which say that the body is too warm (when it actually isn't), the brain will order the sweat glands to release sweat.
  • There are other lifestyle issues associated with over-sweating, which include smoking and consuming too much caffeine.
Excessive perspiration is indeed embarrassing, but if one masks it properly, then he/she would be fine.
Disclaimer: This post is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.