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Summer Workout Options

Buzzle Staff
Now that summer is here, ditch the dingy gym and get outside in the sun!
Working out at the gym can be great during the colder months. If you workout during the winter, you don't have to run or do any other physical activity outside and risk injuring your muscles or hurting your lungs in the cold. Injury is the number one concern of people who workout outside during the cold months.
However, when the long days of summer stretch in front of you, it can be difficult to persuade yourself to get to the gym. Instead of worrying about your bikini body, try something new during the summer. Changing your routine can be great for any fitness enthusiast, so get out there and get moving.

Beach Volleyball

If you live anywhere near water, beach volleyball is a great way to stay in shape and make new friends while you're at it. The great thing about beach volleyball, too, is that you don't have to join a team in order to play. You can usually just join in on a game that's already going when they sub people out, or bring your friends and find an empty net.
Beach volleyball is all about having fun, just get out on the court and give it a try. If you're one of those casual sports players who stands in the corner and doesn't move hoping the ball will not come to you, you probably won't get a great workout. Don't worry about getting hurt; the sand will cushion your fall.

Team Sports

Joining a team sport is a great way to build new friendships and get yourself burning those calories. There are plenty of adult sports leagues out there; a quick Internet search will bring up all sorts of options for you.
You can choose from softball, baseball, basketball, and many more. You might even find teams through your local park district. If you used to play sports and always wished you could start again, now is your chance.

Outdoor Yoga

Lots of places hold yoga outside when the weather is nice. It's a great experience to stretch in the fresh air and bring literal meaning to those sun salutations. It will also allow you to build up more of a sweat and release those toxins because it's usually warmer outside than it is inside.
If you can, find yoga classes that meet on the waterfront. The scenery can add a lot to your practice. If you don't live near the water, lots of yoga lovers practice in local parks. Just find a group and grab your mat.

Hiking and Biking

Hiking and biking - along with running, jogging, and walking - are some of the most popular outdoor activities for summer. If you live near hiking or biking trails, now's the time to dust those shoes or get your bike out of storage.
The best thing about these activities is that you don't need special equipment, and you don't need to depend on anyone else to do them. You can work out whenever you want if you choose one of these activities, and that can help you get motivated.
No matter what your chosen activity is, you can take it outside to burn more calories. Instead of being indoors, take your kids to the park and play with them. You can also walk or play fetch with the dog, or just take a long stroll with your significant other. Whatever it is you love, do it outside this summer, and watch the pounds melt away.