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Single Leg Squat

Bhakti Satalkar
One of the variations of the squats is the single leg squat. Like the traditional version of the squats, there are a number of benefits of this version. We will see what is the right technique of doing this squat and what are its benefits.
Strength training is an important part of any exercise routine. There are some exercises, which are always a part of strength training. Two such exercises are the lunges and squats. Both these exercises are among the best body weight exercises.
All the people who are regular with their exercise regime are aware of the benefits of squats and lunges. We all have at some point of time or the other, heard of the maxim, "Squats exercise is the King of all exercises".
Different exercise experts have come up with different versions of this exercise, so that a person is able to reap maximum benefits of these exercises. One version of the squats exercise is the single leg squat. We will see the right technique to this version, but before that we will read in short about the benefits of this leg exercise.

Benefits of the Single Leg Squat Exercise

If you are looking for an alternative to the barbell squat, then one legged squats is the right alternative thigh exercise. It helps in strengthening the muscles of the legs. Concentration and balance are the two other benefits of this exercise. Since only one leg is used to do this exercise, it helps in developing balance. It works the gluteal muscles, hamstrings, quadriceps as well as the core muscles. It can also be used as an alternative to hip extension and knee extension.
If you are looking for sports specific strength training exercise, then this exercise should be a part of your workout schedule. It helps in developing symmetrical leg strength. There are many sports activities, where the core strength comes into picture. This exercise braces the core and helps in optimum expression of power without wasting any lateral movements.

How to Do a Single Leg Squat?

There are two versions of single leg squat. We will see both the version of the squats exercise. You can opt for any one of the exercises, depending on how comfortable you are doing the exercise. Let's see how to do the one legged squats.

One Legged Squats #1

Stand erect with hip width distance between your feet. Slowly balance your weight on your right foot and lift the left leg off the floor. Extend the left leg in front of you. Slowly start lowering your torso as you squat but keep the left leg extended in front of you.
Come down into a complete squat with the knee of the right leg and toes of the left leg pointing in the same direction. Slowly come back up to the starting position and repeat the squats without weights on the same leg 8 to 10 times before you switch legs.

One Legged Squats #2

To do the other version of this exercise, stand straight with hip width distance between your feet. Bend your left leg behind you, such that the heel of the left leg points to the sky. Ensure that the right leg is firmly placed on the floor and your weight balanced on the right leg. Keep your back straight and slowly lower yourself into a squat position.
Lower yourself till you find it difficult to maintain your balance. Slowly come back to the starting position, flex your knees and stand straight. Make sure you do this hip exercises in a controlled fashion. Repeat the exercise on the right leg 8 to 10 times before you change to the left leg.
When you are doing this version of squat, make sure your knee of the leg on which your weight rest does not go beyond your toes. At the same time, it is important to keep the lateral movements to a bare minimum to avoid injuring yourself, when you are doing the one legged squats.
While doing the single leg squats, make sure you keep looking in front of you. At no point should you look towards your feet. It will not only cause you to lose balance, but it can also cause injury. Once you are comfortable with the exercise, you can try the one legged squats with dumbbells as well. It can also be converted into barbell exercises, but make sure you are able to balance yourself well before you do the barbell version.