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Sacroiliac Joint Exercises

Puja Lalwani

For those suffering from sacroiliac joint pain, try out these exercises to get some relief, and to avoid the pain from aggravating further.
The sacroiliac joint, or the area where the sacral bone connects with the pelvis is one that does not allow for much motion. However, with the movement of the lower body, it is natural that some movement will affect this joint too.
The reason people may suffer from sacroiliac joint pain is because of a repeated irregular movement of the spine and the joint, such as jumping, or an improper posture while sitting at work. If you suffer from this pain, then performing the following exercises will help.
However, you should perform them only after consulting a physician who can identify if they are suitable for you. This is because in some cases, the pain may worsen after performing these exercises for the sacroiliac joint.


Note: Always consult your doctor before performing any exercises to correct sacroiliac joint pain, who will show you the correct way of performing them.
The following are some muscular stretching and back strengthening exercises for sacroiliac joint dysfunction that you can perform to attain relief from the joint pain. However, read about these basic exercises for sacroiliac joint pain to help you first correct the position of your spine.
Remember to perform these exercises on an exercise mat on an even floor. Mild discomfort while stretching is normal. However, if you feel any excessive discomfort, do not continue doing the exercises.

Exercise 1: The Knee Stretch

  • To perform this exercise, lie flat on your back with legs extended, and exhale deeply.
  • While exhaling, slowly lift one knee and bring it as close to the chest as possible. To keep the knee in place, hold the area just below the knee with both hands and press it towards the chest.
  • Hold it there for about 2-4 counts.
  • Now slowly put the knee back down and repeat the same steps with the other knee.
Also try this other knee stretch.
  • Lie flat on your back with your legs extended and your arms stretched out with your palms touching the ground.
  • Now bend one knee with the foot flat on the ground.
  • Bend this knee over the other leg, in a manner that only your lower body is turned, while the upper body remains in place.
  • Hold it there for about 5 counts and repeat the same with the other knee.

Exercise 2: The Butterfly Stretch

  • Lie flat on your back keeping it neutral.
  • Keep your knees bent together and your feet flat on the ground. The tail bone and the middle ribs should be in touch with the mat.
  • Now open up your knees, and let them fall as close to the floor as possible, till you feel a bearable stretch in your inner thighs.
  • While exhaling, pull the knees back in the original position, to allow the pelvic floor muscles to get in action.
  • Repeat these movements 8-10 times.
  • You can also do the same exercise with one knee at a time.

Exercise 3: The Knee Swing

  • Lie flat on your back. Bend your knees together, with your feet flat on the floor.
  • Now gently swing your knees from one side to the other, towards the floor.
  • Try to avoid lifting your lower back.
  • Repeat these movements 6-8 times.
  • Again, this exercise may be performed one leg at a time.

Exercise 4: The Knee Whirl

  • Lie flat with your back completely touching the floor. The tail bone and the lower ribs should be touching the mat. Place your hands on your hip bones.
  • Now, deeply exhale, and while doing so, lift one leg up and bend your knee in a 90 degree angle, in a manner that the leg is parallel to the floor.
  • Circle the knee, while keeping the hips and pelvis in place.
  • You should feel the head of the thigh bone revolve in the hip socket.
  • Repeat the movement 6-8 times, both clockwise and counterclockwise, with each leg.

Exercise 5: The Leg Whirl

  • Lie flat on your stomach, and allow your head to rest on your forearms.
  • Ensure your pubic bone is pressed flat on the floor. Tuck in your abdominal muscles.
  • Now lift one leg and bend it at the knee.
  • Circle the leg, both clockwise and then counterclockwise.
  • Repeat the same movement with the other leg, 6-8 times.
These exercises should not put pressure on the back, but on the muscles in the areas they are being performed such as the inner thighs and hamstrings. As mentioned above, these exercises should not be performed without consulting a physician. If you are allowed to do these exercises, then on performing them on a regular basis, you will notice the difference in the pain you may have been experiencing.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only and does not, in any way, intend to replace the advice of a medical expert.