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Rotator Cuff Stretches

Mayuri Kulkarni

Performing rotator cuff stretching exercises helps in increasing the flexibility and range of motion in the shoulders. This story provides steps to perform various these stretches.
Rotator cuff is basically a group of tendons and muscles that is present in the shoulder joint. The anatomy of this joint is very complicated, which makes it susceptible to injuries and dislocation. In fact, such injuries are very common injuries in sports like tennis. These injuries are very painful and limit the range of motion of the shoulder joint.
Though rest is the initial treatment for such an injury, performing certain exercises is necessary for proper rehabilitation of the shoulder joint. Most physicians recommend rotator cuff exercises to alleviate the pain and discomfort. One can also prevent these shoulder injuries by performing exercises that strengthen this anatomical structure. Given below are steps to perform some useful exercises for strengthening the rotator cuff.

Strengthening Exercises

Bent Over Lateral Raises

  • To perform this exercise, you will need a stretchable cable with a handle. Tie this cable to a sturdy and fixed object.
  • Now, hold the handle of the cable with your right palm and stand at one foot distance with your left side near the fixed object.
  • Keep your back straight and bend your upper body such that your torso is almost parallel to the ground.
  • You may keep your left hand on your back or hang it on your left side.
  • Then, pull the cable across your body and extend your right arm until it is completely straight and stretched.
  • Slowly get back to the starting position and do 10 more repetitions. Repeat the same for the other side.

External Rotation

  • Tie the stretchable cable to a fixed object, hold the handle with your right palm and stand in an upright position with your back facing the object.
  • While holding the handle, bring a right angle bend in your elbow, so that your upper arm is parallel to the ground.
  • Now, stretch the cable in the forward direction until your arm is completely straight.
  • You may take a step forward to increase the stretch. While performing this exercise make sure you stretch your arm to a comfortable level, else you may injure yourself.

Shoulder Extension

  • Stand in an upright position with your feet joined together. Keep your arms towards your side and rest them on your thighs.
  • Now, raise your arms simultaneously without bringing any bend in your elbow and form a T-shape with your body.
  • Keep raising your arms until you experience a stretch in your shoulder joint and hold the position for few seconds.
  • Then, slowly get back to the initial position and do 10 more repetitions.

Circular Extension

  • Stand in an upright position and keep your arms towards your sides.
  • Now, raise both the arms in front of your body and rotate them in the upward direction.
  • When your arms touch your head, rotate them in the backward direction and try to make large arcs.
  • Make sure you perform the circular motions very slowly, without bringing too much stretch in your shoulders. Do 10 more repetitions.
It is recommended that if your shoulder joint is injured or if you are experiencing pain in the shoulder joint, then you should consult your physician to confirm if these exercises are safe for you. While performing these rotator cuff stretches, make sure you do not overstretch the shoulder muscles. Perform the exercise with an easy pace and movement to avoid an injury.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only. Always consult a physician before starting any physical fitness program in order to reduce the risk of injury.