Ramdev Baba yoga is one of the most coveted forms of yoga that has developed over the past few years. In this article, we will list some of the most important forms of this yoga for curing a wide range of ailments.
Yoga as a form of exercise and meditation has gained a lot of popularity over the past few years because of its ability to treat several ailments at the core rather than concentrating on the symptoms. There are several branches of yoga that focus on inculcating exercise and meditation in a person's life.
Of these branches, Swami Ramdev Baba yoga is one such branch that has gained a lot of popularity in the recent times.
Swami Ramdev is a yogic guru from India who has been responsible for re-introducing all forms of yoga in the common man. His insistence of making yoga practice as simple as possible has been the root cause of getting the common man into practicing yoga.
In the sections that follow, we will look through some of these yogic forms and understand how to carry forth the practice of this yoga in the correct manner for curing several bodily ailments.
The Different Poses
Swami Ramdev yoga focuses on some of the most common ailments and looks to treating them at the core. These ailments include weight loss, diabetes, and hair problems. It also helps in promoting overall health and well-being.
Kapalbhati Pranayama
This is one of the most effective breathing techniques that has been seen to lead to several health benefits. This exercise works out as a great technique for hair health as well. Here's how it's done
Sit comfortably on the floor, fold your legs, and keep your back straight.
Tuck your chin into your chest.
Inhale at a normal pace and while exhaling, exhale with force such that it seems almost like a sneeze.
Do not be very forceful while doing this, but maintain a good speed.
This will put pressure on the abdominal muscles.
Continue like this for a minute or so when you are new to this, slowly increasing it to 10-15 minutes at a time.
This is said to be one of the most effective poses to bring about weight loss and lead to general well-being.
Bhramari Breathing
This form of breathing is especially helpful for promoting women's health. Here's how it's done
Sit comfortably with your back straight and your legs folded.
Place the thumbs of both hands into the ear, such that they cover the ears and block all sounds. The rest of the fingers should be used to cover the eyes.
Breathe in and take in a long breath.
When you start exhaling, imitate the buzzing sound of a bee from your throat until the entire breath has been exhaled.
Continue to do this 5-8 times.
This breathing technique activates the pituitary gland and thereby helps to balance the hormones and metabolism in the body. This is an excellent yoga pose for pregnant women to practice.
Ujjayi Pranayama
This is one of the most effective yoga exercises for diabetes and other breathing disorders. Here's how you do it
Sit on a high mat or at a height. This can be done with the help of piling 2-3 mats on top of each other.
Your legs are folded and your palms are pressed on top of your thighs.
The spine is kept absolutely straight and the head is slightly bent so that the chin almost touches the neck.
In this position, resume normal inhaling and exhaling.
Do this for about a minute.
Mountain Pose
This is another great exercise to carry forth for general health, stability, and flexibility of the body as well as for weight loss. To do this
Stand on a mat and stretch your legs so that the left leg (taken at the back) is completely stretched out and perpendicular to the body and the right leg (in the front) is bent at the knees and firmly placed on the ground.
Stand in this position and stretch your arms out so that they are in a straight line with your body.
Continue to look straight ahead.
Maintain this position for a count of 30. Then switch to the other leg and repeat.
Along with these yoga poses, there are several Baba Ramdev medicines that are available as well. These are some of the most effective herbal remedies that have been formulated and they therefore help with curing several ailments and health conditions.
It has been seen that these yoga poses benefit and help in promoting overall health, so needless to say, they can be taken up by just about anyone.