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Quad Stretches

Indrajit Deshmukh
Doing the right quad stretches will not only help you avoid aches and cramps, but will also help you strengthen the quadriceps muscles.
Lot of people tend to neglect doing stretching exercises and then complain that they get cramps when they workout or their muscles ache while doing daily activities. Stretching exercises are the best way to increase blood circulation to the various parts of the body. Stretching routines will also help you get rid of muscle soreness.
The quadriceps are one of the strongest muscles in the body and doing quad stretches regularly will help you stay fit and give you a feeling of well-being. Four muscles make up the quadriceps namely rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus, intermedius, and vastus lateralis.
Stretching these muscles will help reduce muscle tension and increase the range of motion in the joints.
Before starting the stretches, you need to do a 5-7 minute warm routine so that you get some blood flowing in your body, this will help you avoid workout related injuries. The quadriceps are located in the front part of the thighs and stimulating them with stretching routines is a good way to reduce muscle wear and tear. Here are some quadriceps stretches.

Lying Down

Lie on your stomach on an exercise mat with your legs fully extended and hands by your side. Now bend your left leg and bring your heel as close to your buttock. Hold the left ankle with your left hand and bring your heel as close as possible. Hold the position for 15-20 count and then repeat the motion with your right leg.
Remember to maintain normal breathing when you are counting and also concentrate on the stretch that you will feel in your muscles. This stretching routine will increase the flow of blood to the quad muscles.

Yoga Quad Stretches

Kneel down on an exercise mat and then place your buttocks on your heels or if possible spread your legs hip width apart and place your buttocks between the two feet. Now hold your heels with both hands and slowly lift your buttocks in the air.
Now tilt your head back so that you are staring at the ceiling, feel the quadriceps muscle strain as you look up. Hold the position for a 10-15 count and slowly come back down, repeat the movement 2-3 times.

For Runners

Stand straight with your feet close together, hands to the side and look straight ahead. Now lift your left leg behind you by bending it at the knee and bring your heel towards your back. As your leg comes up grab the ankle with your left hand and try to get to leg as close to the body as possible. .
Keep your torso straight do not lean forward, if you are not able to balance you can stand parallel to the wall and place your right hand on the wall for support. Hold the position for a 15-20 count and repeat the movement with your right leg, maintain normal breathing as you doing this stretch

For Bad Knees

Stand with your back against the wall and move your legs about 1-2 feet forward, ensure that both the legs are in the same line. This will be your start position, now slowly slide down by bending your knees, make sure your knees do not go ahead of your toe line.
Go down so that the thighs are parallel to the ground and the back is pressed against the wall. One your thighs are parallel to the ground hold position for 1 count and then push up with your heels. Repeat the action 8-10 times breathe in as you go down and breathe out as you come up.
Inculcating the quad stretches in your daily routine is a good idea as the leg muscles are one of the most worked muscles in our body and they will benefit by these stretching routines. You can also do these stretches after you do your quadriceps exercises. Consult your physician before you undertake any kind of training program or stretching routine.