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Push Up Variations

Mayuri Kulkarni
Push up is one of the most easiest and effective ways to exercise, as it is easy to perform and learn, can be performed anytime and anywhere, and requires no equipment. There are many variations of this exercise and each variety works the muscles slightly differently. This story provides a host of versions of push ups.
Push up is a popular strength training exercise that requires good muscle coordination and strength in the arms. A basic push up is performed by positioning the body in a horizontal manner, and balancing the body weight on the palms and the toes, and then gradually lowering and raising the body in the same position.
This exercise can be performed with several variations. These workout versions have more benefits than the regular exercise. However, performing them requires mastery in the basic one.

10 Versions

Inclined: This exercise targets more on the lower part of the chest. To perform this version, you need an elevated platform like steps.
  • Position the body into the traditional/basic exercise position with the palms rested on the elevation.
  • The palms should be positioned slightly more than shoulder-width apart.
  • Keeping the legs straight, balance the lower body on the toes and perform the exercise in the traditional manner.
Arco-Wheel: This version requires a lot of coordination of hands. You will require a pair of arco-wheels, to perform this exercise.
  • Get in the normal/basic position and hold an arco-wheel in each hand
  • Hold the wheels such that they are parallel to the body.
  • Balance the upper body on these wheels and the lower body on the toes
  • Now, lower the upper body and simultaneously move the wheels away from each other
  • While raising the upper body bring the wheels to the center. This exercise also requires a lot of torso strength.
Pyramid: The pyramid version is also known as the closed-grip version. This version targets the triceps.
  • Place the palms together on the floor to make a diamond shape (with the help of the thumbs and the index fingers).
  • Perform the exercise in the traditional manner
Wide: As the name suggests, this version is opposite to the previous one.
  • Place the hands away from the body and perform the exercise in the traditional manner.
  • Do not spread the hands too far, as you would not be able to lift the body, off the floor
  • The position of the hands will bring more load on your triceps.
One Hand: The one handed version is among the difficult versions of the basic exercise. This puts a lot of strain on the elbows so do not overdo it.
  • First, spread the legs apart and place one hand on the floor just beneath the chest.
  • Keep the free hand behind your back
  • Now, perform the exercise in a regular manner.
  • Repeat the same with the other hand.
Swiss Ball: This version helps in coordination of the body muscles.
  • Take a large Swiss ball and rest your shins on the top surface of the ball.
  • Ensure you do not place them exactly at the center of the top surface. You should place them a bit towards the sides.
  • Place the palms on the floor and perform the exercise in this position.
  • You can adjust the ball as and when required, as you are likely to experience slight shifting of the ball.
Side Tap: To perform this version
  • Get into the traditional exercise position.
  • Keep your palms on the floor, shoulder-width apart.
  • Balance the lower body on the toes
  • Lower the body to perform the traditional exercise.
  • Now, while raising the upper body lift the left hand and give a tap on the left thigh.
  • Then place the left palm back to its original position and repeat the same with your right hand.
Clap: This is a plyometric type of exercise, which comes under the category of advanced alterations. This alteration helps in increasing the strength, muscle coordination, and speed.
  • Get into the starting position of the traditional exercise.
  • Lower the body and explosively raise the body, so that the palms are off the floor.
  • Clap with your hands in front of your body and then land them on the floor.
  • You need to be quick while performing this exercise.
Rotational: Rotational is also called side plank and is one of the best alterations of this exercise.
  • Place yourself in the starting position of the traditional exercise.
  • Perform the regular exercise.
  • While raising the body lift the left arm completely.
  • Twist the torso and point your left finger towards the ceiling.
  • Get back to the original position and place both the palms on the floor.
  • Perform the regular exercise and repeat the same with the other hand.
Hand Tap: Hand tap is a simple version of the regular exercise.
  • Get into the starting position of the traditional exercise.
  • Perform the exercise one time, and while going up tap the left hand on the right hand
  • Then perform the exercise once again by tapping the right hand on the left
  • Perform the remaining exercise in the similar manner
Alligator push ups, staggered push ups, explosive push ups, etc. are some more types of push ups. It is recommended to perform the aforementioned exercises under the guidance of a professional trainer to avoid any injuries.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only. Always consult a physician before starting any physical fitness program in order to reduce the risk of injury.