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Psychological Benefits of Exercise

Kashmira Lad
Improved self-esteem is a key psychological benefit of daily exercise. Here is some more information about the various benefits of these physical activities.
Exercises always have a positive effect on our body and mind. Apart from benefiting us physically, a regular exercise routine also has many psychological benefits.
Physical activities increase the level of various neurotransmitters in the blood, which influence the psychological functions. Depression has been associated with decreased level of serotonin in the blood. Hence, exercising regularly increases the release of these hormones which in turn reduces the effect of depression.

Increased Self-Confidence

Exercise helps one to look good, and feel beautiful from within. A healthy and fit body also means a happy frame of mind, which leads to mental well-being. This further makes a person confident about his/her abilities.

Positive Energy in Mind and Body

Cardiovascular exercises or aerobics help reduce stress, apart from burning fats. After an exercise session, a person feels fresh due to a increased flow of blood to the brain.
Physical activities also release endorphins in the blood which generates a sense of happiness reducing the feeling of depression. It has been observed that people who exercise daily are capable of facing difficult situations in a positive manner as compared to people who don't exercise. Positive energy gives clarity of thought.

A Sense of Alertness

All the lethargy and/or moody behavior is driven away with regular exercising. The mind tends to stay alert which enhances the concentration and memory. With an improved flow of blood, oxygen, and necessary nutrients to the brain, a person feels alert.
An active and healthy body also induces a good night's sleep. A good 8 hours of sound sleep makes a person feel active and alert during the day.

Reduces Stress and Fatigue

Working professionals these days often tend to feel bogged down at work. There are times when a person feels extremely exhausted without really exerting the body physically.
However, people who exercise regularly are well equipped to tackle such problems. Daily problems seem minor and a person used to any form of exercise does not really feel stressed about trivial issues. Exercise also reduces frustration levels.
These were some of the most important psychological benefits of exercise. One step in the right direction will benefit you in the long run.