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Proper Bench Press Technique

Bhakti Satalkar
Very often it is seen that people who do bench press, use improper technique, which may further result in injuries. In this story, we will see the correct technique to do various bench press exercises and what are the benefits associated with it.
It is very important to consider proper technique while performing any exercise. With a proper technique, you not only reap maximum benefits, but can also avoid injuries.
Bench press is one of the very popular exercises in the gym amongst both men as well as women. It is mainly so, because it is entirely an upper body exercise and it helps in building upper body strength.
The muscles which are strengthened with this weight training exercise include triceps, anterior and middle deltoids, pectoralis major and minor, wrist flexors, etc. Along with these muscles, the rotator cuff and biceps work as shoulder stabilizers and are slightly strengthened.
At the same time, it is also known for the maximum number of shoulder and other injuries. Hence, it is important to implement the right technique while doing bench press, so that you can continue to do the it without having to worry about injuring yourself.

Bench Press Technique...

... with Barbell

The most important part of the technique, while doing barbell bench pressĀ is to maintain a proper grip. You will have to make sure that the weights you use are well-balanced, and also that you place your hands at the appropriate distance, so that none of the hands is over worked.
Before you start performing the exercise make sure that the bar is positioned above the eyes and that the back and buttocks are placed firmly on the bench. Also ensure that the feet are placed flat on the floor. Place your hands at the center of the bar and maintain a little more than shoulder width distance between your hands.
The correct technique is to lift the bar off the stand, inhale as you lower the bar to the chest. The bar should gently touch the chest, but should not rest on it. When you are lowering the bar to the chest, it is important that you do so at a controlled pace. In case you lower the bar too quickly, you will lose control and the bar will strike the chest.
If the bar strikes the chest with great force, it can cause fracture to the sternum or to the ribs. Now slowly begin to press the weight up towards the starting position. Exhale, when you pressing the bar up. The end stage would be to fully extend the arms and lock your elbows.
Then lower the bar again to repeat. The most important of the tip is not to arch the back and lift your feet off the floor, when you are doing the exercise.

... with Dumbbell

It is not necessary that bench press should be done only with barbells. It can also be done with dumbbells with similar results. The other benefit of doing it with dumbbell is, that the dumbbells demand better coordination and force the stabilizing muscles to assist well. Make sure you do this exercise on a flat bench.
Lie flat on the bench and keep your feet flat on the floor, so that you have better balance. Lift one dumbbell at a time, off the floor. Hold the dumbbells straight above your eyes and let the palms face forwards.
Slowly lower the dumbbells to your outer chest and stretch your chest to maximum at the bottom, but make sure the dumbbells do not crash on the chest. Now raise the dumbbells till your arms are nearly straight and your elbows are locked. When you are doing this exercise, keep controlled motion and avoid jerky movements.

... on an Incline

In the inclined bench press your upper chest will be more worked as compared to the middle chest muscle which is usually worked in the regular bench press. To do this exercise, you lift the barbell off the rack and slowly lower it down towards your chest.
When you lower the barbell ensure you do not touch the barbell to the chest. Then slowly push the bar back to the starting position. Your movements should be controlled, so that it works the muscles much more and there are no chances of injuring yourself.

... on an Decline

This is often chosen over the other two techniques of doing bench press, as it allows the person to lift more weight than the other two positions. To do the exercise, position yourself on a free weight decline machine and place your hands on the bar at a little more than shoulder width distance.
Lift the barbell off the rack and slowly bring it down closer to your chest, but do not rest it on your chest. Then slowly push the bar back to the starting position, straighten your hands, and lock your elbows.

... for Powerlifting

When you are performing powerlifting bench press, get into a comfortable position on the bench, so that your shoulder blades, head and buttocks are lying on the bench. Lift the bar off the stand, or seek help from a spotter to give the weight in your hand.
Take a deep breath and lower the bar towards your chest and then without any jerking movements push the weight up and lock your elbows. Without wasting any time lower the bar again and continue with the exercise.
Always make sure you do the bench press using the right technique only. It is always better to have a spotter to give you the bar in your hands. In case you feel any pain when you are performing the exercise, stop doing the exercise immediately.