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Post Workout Recovery

Arjun Kulkarni
Tired after your exercising? This story discusses some very important things that you need to do after you complete a workout in order to maximize muscle recovery and avoid fatigue.
The body gets sore and tired after exercising. And if you don't allow it enough rest, there are chances that sooner or later your body will start legging it and giving you a lot of trouble.
Any seasoned bodybuilder or bodybuilding trainer will tell you how important post workout muscle recovery is, it helps the body regain its composure and helps the muscles relax. The body loses a lot of energy during the course of a workout, and it needs to be replenished quickly. Otherwise, it may lead to muscle cramping and fatigue.

Muscle Recovery Tips


Clearly, post workout recovery is not merely about having drinks or eating foods. The most important thing is rest. It is essential that after exercising, you rest and do not exert yourself for at least a couple of days.
Most bodybuilders exercise one muscle group per day and hence, ensure that no muscle group is worked on for two consecutive days. For the muscle to become stronger and heal faster, it is essential that you give it a break before working on it again.


As any qualified trainer will tell you, stretching your muscles after exercising helps them cool down. It also helps the body relax, and switch to normal mode from the workout mode. The science behind cool down exercises is that it helps reduce the level of lactic acid inside the muscles, hence reducing the occurrence of cramps.


Primarily water, but protein shakes too help the body recover. At the end of the workout, the body loses all the water and hence there is an urgent need for its replenishment. But along with water, trainers also recommend that you have a good drink which contains a good amount of carbohydrates and protein.
You get a lot of protein shake mixes and post workout supplements in the market to which you can add water and consume at the end of an exercise session.


Meals should ideally be food items which contain a good amount of protein and carbohydrates. Carbohydrates energize the body, while proteins help muscle recovery and muscle growth. Most trainers will probably tell you to have food items with a bit of sugar in it, since sugar energizes the body faster.
But that again, depends on the individual's age and medical condition. Check with your doctor and trainer as to which items you can include in your post workout meal. Hard-boiled eggs, chicken breast, and turkey sandwiches are commonly advised by most trainers.


Energy drinks generally thrive on the principle that your body loses a sizable chunk of its mineral reserves and hence, there is a need to fill up on those as well. Common minerals lost by the body include sodium, potassium, and electrolytes. Energy drink-makers ensure that their beverages include all of these essential ingredients so that they may aid in recovery.
While the part about rest and warm down stretches is a universal concept, it is always better to check with a trainer and a doctor who knows your medical history before consuming any drinks or foods.