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Plank Exercise

Pragya T
Plank exercise benefits by building and strengthening back and abdominal muscles. Keep reading to learn about the basic plank workout and other advanced variations.
Plank is one of the best abdominal exercises that also helps to work out on the back muscles. It also makes use of arms and legs, thus strengthening and building the muscles of arms and legs too.
One needs endurance to perform this exercise, and it is advised that beginners should first perform other basic abdominal and back wokouts before starting with the plank workout. Also, one needs to maintain a proper posture while performing this exercise to avoid any muscle injury and get the best out of your wokout.

Plank Workout Variations

Basic Exercise

On a mat lie face down with your forearms and palms flat on the floor. Then push off from the ground by raising up onto your toes and resting the elbows. Make sure you maintain your back flat in a straight line from head to the heels. You can tilt your pelvis and contract ab muscles to prevent your bottom sticking in the air or sagging in the middle.
Hold this position for 20 seconds, then lower yourself and perform 3 repetitions. As you gain more stamina, hold the posture longer and perform more reps. If you find this exercise to be very difficult, then perform this exercise by balancing your body on your hands rather than elbows.

Side Exercise

To perform this workout lie down on one side by keeping your right hand on the floor or use a mat. People who are new to this workout can use their elbow. Then lift yourself to form a plank with your right arm straight, and the left arm on your side, which can be placed on your hip.
Hold this position for 20 seconds and perform 3 - 5 repetitions. Repeat the exercise for other side of the body. Make sure you keep your body in a straight line and contract your abs and butt muscles, while holding the position.

Isometric Exercise

To perform this half plank workout, assume the basic plank position and balance your body on your elbows and knees, always keeping your body in a straight line. Keep your legs in the air, and balance your body only on your elbows and knees. Then hold the position for 25 seconds and perform 5 repetitions.

Exercise with Leg Lift

This strength training exercise is similar to the basic plank workout. Lie down on the mat, resting your elbows and feet. Then lift yourself by keeping your body straight on elbows and toes. Then slowly lift your leg off the floor for 3 seconds, then slowly get the leg to the floor and repeat with other leg. Perform around 2 - 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

Plank with Arm Lift

To perform this exercise, lie down on the floor keeping your forearms and palms flat on the floor, then lift yourself up by raising on toes and resting on elbows. Keep your body straight and contract your butt and abs, then slowly shift your weight to the right forearm, and extend your left arm straight in front of you.
Hold this position for 3 seconds, and bring your arm slowly back to the starting position. Repeat with the other arm. Perform 2 sets of 8 repetitions of this plank back exercise.
So, form a routine with the above exercise to build endurance and great stabilizer muscles. Make sure you maintain a straight posture, and contract your abs and rear muscles, while holding the plank position.