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Pilates Vs. Yoga

Bhakti Satalkar
With the growing popularity of both Pilates and yoga, there is often debate on which is better. In this write-up, we will see the difference between both these forms of exercise, as well as their benefits.
More and more people are taking to different forms of exercises these days. Among the different forms of exercises, Pilates and yoga have become hugely popular in recent years. A comparison between these two exercises is not easy, as both of them have a number of similarities, and also a number of differences. As a matter of fact, there are some yoga exercises which are also a part of Pilates exercises.

The Whole Debate

Both yoga and Pilates are good and have their own advantages to offer. Therefore, it is difficult to classify one as being better than the other. Often it is seen that Pilates and yoga are put together into the same category of exercises. However, they are different in approach and should not be clubbed together.


Yoga is a centuries-old form of exercise. It originated in India, where there the physical form is given as much importance as the mind. It is often said to be the meditative form of exercise. Hence, yoga is actually the balance between the mind and the body, which helps the person in leading a stress free and peaceful life.
On the other hand, Pilates originated in the west approximately 80 years ago. It was invented by Joseph Pilates, a German athlete. Physical conditioning is what is stressed upon in this form of exercise. Along with it, there is emphasis laid on breathing and control of mind over matter. At the same time, the Pilates moves are also about physical strength.


Yoga is actually a form of life and not only a form of exercise. It helps the person in moving towards physical as well as mental well-being. Along with the different yoga poses, a healthy diet, relaxation, meditation, and breathing techniques are also involved, which make yoga a holistic approach. There are eight principles on which the theory of yoga is based upon. They are:
1. There are the five abstentions of non-violence, non-lying, non-covetousness, non-sensuality, and non-possessiveness, which need to be practiced. This principle of yoga is known as Yama.

2. Like the five abstentions, there are five observances, which need to be followed, which are purity, contentment, austerity, study, and surrender to a supreme being; this principle is called Niyama in Sanskrit.
3. The next principle, Asana, is literally translated as seat. However, Asanas are the different yoga poses, which help in bringing mind-body coordination. 'Asana' can also be used to refer to the seated position which is adopted for meditation.

4. Pranayama or Suspending Breath is the next principle. The Sanskrit word Pranayama can be broken into Prāna and āyāma, where the first half of the word stands for breath, while the second half stands for to restrain or to stop. It is also looked upon as control of life force.
5. The next principle is Pratyahara, which means Abstraction. To explain it in simple words, it means withdrawing of the sensory organs from external objects of attraction.

6. The sixth principle is known as Dharana, which is translated as Concentration. It means keeping the attention fixed on a single object.
7. Dhyana is the next principle, that means Meditation. It means that intense contemplation has to be carried out on the nature of the object of meditation.

8. The last principle is Samādhi, which when translated means Liberation. In this principle, there is merging of the consciousness with the object of meditation.
As a matter of fact, Joseph Pilates was a yoga practitioner himself, before he invented his own form of exercise. Therefore, a number of Pilates exercises are actually based on a number of yoga poses. Pilates is actually a complicated form of exercise, where the focus of practice is on developing core strength. The spine is also a focus of attention. You will be surprised to know that initially Pilates was known as Contrology. There are six principles on which Pilates is based upon. They are:
1. Aligning the spine correctly, which helps in correcting the posture. This helps in improving balance as well as preventing injury.

2. The next point of concentration is breathing. When more oxygen moves through the body, it helps in muscle control and strength.

3. The core and the entire torso is strengthened by centering, which holds the entire body together.
4. Concentration when one is doing the basic Pilates exercises or the advanced Pilates exercises help in bringing in more control of the muscles.

5. Control of the different muscles in the body help in bringing out precision of movement and agility.

6. Flexibility can also be achieved with regular Pilates exercises.


Yoga workouts help in physical and mental well-being of the person. It helps in bringing about flexibility, along with lubricating the different joints, tendons, and ligaments. One of the most important yoga health benefits is that the internal organs and glands can be massaged. Yoga workouts help in complete detoxification of the body and also help in toning the muscles. Since it works the internal organs and glands, it helps in keeping various diseases away.
The benefits of Pilates include refreshing the mind and the body. Correct breathing techniques help in calming and deepening the breath, which in turn helps in reducing stress. If correct posture and pelvic alignment are worked upon, one can build a lot of strength without building bulky muscles. The muscles are also strengthened, lengthened, and muscle elasticity along with joint mobility can be enhanced.
It is best to include both forms of exercise in your workout regime and reap the benefits of both. There are certain exercises which are common to both exercise forms, which will make it fun to practice as well.