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Pigeon Pose in Yoga

Azmin Taraporewala
One of the most sought-after pose for a yoga disciple is the pigeon pose. The pose strengthens the hip muscles and gives immense flexibility to the body.
The pigeon pose performed in yoga is a hip-opener pose. It is an intense posture to engage in, nevertheless it provides flexibility to the body. It helps one to conduct leg stretches in a promiscuous manner.
It is vital to learn that the pigeon pose has its aboriginal base in many schools of thought devoted to yoga. The pose, along with making the hip flexible, makes for an enriching chest and shoulder yoga exercise, thus increasing their tractability.
The yoga pose can be conducted and practiced with confidence, by following a step-by-step procedural instructions.
  • This classic yoga pose is devised to approach the practice using the downward facing dog approach.
  • In the downward facing dog approach, one needs to adopt the pigeon position by steadily and carefully swinging the right leg forward.
  • Bring the knee behind the right hand. Avoid stretching your leg too hard as this will cause the ligaments to stretch excessively, causing unnecessary pain. Let the hip rest on the mat naturally, without any force or over-stretch.
  • Now is the time to square your hip facing the front side of the mat. The shoulders, hips, knees, toes and the heel will be uniform and perfectly aligned with the mid-line of the body. This is a back bend form of exercise.


There are certain variations that people doing yoga, would like to try.
  • Stretch the body over the front leg, where forehead is placed on the arms or above ground level. You should take a position comfortable for you. This is called the easy pigeon or sleeping pigeon pose. In Yin Yoga, this is a vivid replica of sleeping swan pose.
  • Another variation is to bend the right leg in front and extend or stretch the left leg, facing the back. Now gradually, administering caution, try to bend the left leg and grope the left foot (the ankle), with the left hand. If you think you are flexible and taut, you could try to bring the left and the right hand back and hold the left foot ankle.
The shoulder blades are erect and the chest is upright in position. This is a back strainer bend that require some prior knowledge about the asanas of yoga. Knowing certain easy, yet significant asanas will aid you in performing the pose, and its variations with ease.
  • A variation that could be adopted by is to place the left foot in the hollow between your arm and forearm, that is at the elbow. The next step here is to extend the right hand and raise it over the head.
Bend the right hand in such a manner that the right hand clasps the left hand. Performing this pose will stretch your chest muscles making them strong and the torso firm.


  • Pigeon pose is a relieving yoga position, soothing and loosening your muscles, making your body flexible, firm, taut, and tough.
  • The pigeon pose strengthens the back, the chest, and the hip. If performed in the right manner, this pose can help plummet the problems and pain caused in the sciatic nerve. The condition where the sciatic nerve faces immense pressure, leading to pain is called sciatica.
  • The lower back pain and discomfort could take a back seat and stop troubling you, if you practice this pose with diligence.
A word of caution: The pigeon pose should be performed only when the individual in question does not endure excruciating knee pain. Troubles connected to the knee, while practicing the said pose can alleviate.
Seek advice from a yoga instructor before you decide to practice this pose. If you feel that the knee trouble is due to your hips being too stiff, start gradually by practicing this form of pose, but only under an expert guidance.