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Pectoral Exercises at Home

Mukta Gaikwad
Building the pectoral muscles takes some sincere effort, but fortunately these exercises can be done even from home in case you do not have the time or the inclination to exercise at the gym.
Pectoral exercises consist of toning the upper pectoral, lower pectoral and inner pectoral muscles. However, they ignore pectoral exercises to tone up the flabby part of the upper body. Most gym goers depend on cardiovascular exercises, aerobic exercises and some weight training to lose weight in the pectoral region as well.
Truth be told, one needs to perform some pectoral exercises regularly to develop the muscles. A little deviation in the regime can make your chest look out of shape. The best part about pectoral exercises is that they can be easily done at home by converting day-to-day items into gym equipment.

Pectoral Exercises for Men and Women to Practice at Home

Rep Sets

If you can't go to the gym for weight training, then why not make your own weight? Put those fat books to good use to make your body. Make a pile of books that measures 40 pounds in total.
  • Now, lie flat on the floor and ask someone to put the pile on your back.
  • Place your palms close your chest and curl your toes inwards.
  • Lift yourself up till your hands are straight and go down just till you are 2 inches above the ground.
  • You entire weight must be lifted by your arms. 100 rep sets as such will show signs of muscle development in a week's time, but you should remember to start slow and then increase the repetitions of your workout.
  • Exhale while pushing it up and inhale while bringing it down.

Pull Ups

Pectoral muscles for men develop after a lot of effort. Continuous exercise and weight training is the only answer for developing these muscles. For this exercise you will have lift your body's weight by using the strength in your arms.
  • Using your body's weight is the best way of avoiding expensive gym fees and building the required muscle.
  • We all know what pull ups are and we've done them at some point other the other.
  • Find a place in your house that will hold your weight. Hang on to that and use all the strength in your pectoral area and arms to lift yourself up.
  • A perfect stance would be when your chin is above the bar you are holding.
  • 50 repetitions of pull ups is ideal to develop those pectoral muscles, but again, perform as many repetitions as you are comfortable within the beginning, and then increase the number gradually.

Inclined Dumbbell Press

You don't really have to go to the gym to do dumbbell press. Find a chair that makes a 45 degree angle with the ground. Basically, it needs to have a slanted back and a flat base
  • Find a grip for your feet on the ground and the dumbbells in your hands. Use the 15 pounds weight (you can use fat books, a bag of filled water bottles and other heavy objects) to perform this exercise.
  • Curl your elbow so that the dumbbells are close you chest and at chest height too.
  • Use your abdominal strength and push the dumbbells straight up. Exhale while pushing them up and inhale while pulling them close to your chest.

Push Up Kneeling

Push up kneeling requires no equipment except a mat. All it needs is strength and stamina to get into the right posture and to use it to your best advantage
  • Get down on your knees and place both your hands on the floor, shoulder width apart.
  • If your wrists and elbows are at an inclined angle to your chest, then your stance is perfect. Your body should be a straight line and parallel to the ground supported by the knees and hands.
  • Now, using your abdominal strength bend down push your body towards the floor so that your upper arms are parallel to the floor and your body is just two inches above the floor.
  • Then push back to regain the original position.
For a perfect workout, perform two sets of each exercise with 20 repetitions. Supplement your pectoral muscle exercises with enough unrefined proteins, as the latter helps in building the broken muscle. These exercises have to be performed regularly in order to keep the muscle in shape.
However, if your upper body feels sore or experiences pain, slow down and rest for a while. Pushing yourself with exercises can leave you exhausted and fatigued for a long time. It can also cause physical damage, which can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months to heal.