Only a combination of diet and exercises will help you get rid of love handles. Some of the best oblique exercises for love handles are oblique crunches, hanging knee ups, medicine ball side crunches, heel taps, etc...
Fitness experts will tell you that a diet alone won't help you get rid of love handles, you will have to exercise to target the area and tone the muscles in the region. We develop love handles when the body stores excess fat in the belly region. One way to get rid of this is following a healthy eating routine and doing oblique exercises.
You will also need to support your regimen with fat burning cardio exercises that last for 30 - 40 minutes. One important tip is to follow the correct form and technique to get the desired results. The breathing technique is also important when you exercise to maximize results.
One of the most important thing that you need to do before you start your exercise regimen is to do a 5 - 7 minute warm up. It can be something as simple as riding a stationary bike or using the treadmill at a low intensity level. Do light stretching after the warm up before you begin exercises for love handles.
Oblique Crunches
Rest your back on the floor and raise your legs, bend them at the knees so that the thighs are perpendicular to the floor and the calf muscles are parallel to the floor. Cross your hands behind your head and lift your left shoulder to touch the right knee with your left elbow. Exhale as you come up and inhale as you go back to the starting position. Once your down, lift your right shoulder and try to touch your right elbow to the left knee, then slowly come back down.
Hanging Knee Ups
Hang from a chin up bar with your legs fully extended below you, keep your knees close to each other. This will be your starting position. Now lift both your legs up by bending the knees and twist them towards your left side as much as you can. Breathe out as you pull your legs up and breathe in as you let them back down to the starting position.
Do 20 reps by pulling your legs to the left side and then twist your legs to the right for the next 20 reps. Make sure you don't bend your arms when you are pulling your legs up, don't move your torso when you do this exercise.
Medicine Ball Side Crunches
This exercise will help you target the love handles and strengthen your stabilizer muscles. Place your left hip on a medicine ball and make sure that your torso is not touching the ball. Keep your feet wide apart on the floor to help you balance your body.
Interlock your hands behind your head and slowly crunch your torso up towards your right hip, go as far up as you can. Exhale as you go up and inhale as you come back down slowly in a controlled motion. Repeat the movement by placing the right hip on the medicine ball.
Heel Taps
Heel taps are easy to execute, but are as effective as any other abdominal exercises for love handles. Lie down on the floor with your legs bent at the knee and feet firmly planted on the floor next to your glutes. Raise your shoulder blades off the floor by couple of inches, keep your hands fully extended by your side.
From this starting position, crunch your torso towards the left and touch the left heel with your left hand. Exhale as you crunch and inhale as you come back. Now crunch your torso to the right and touch your right heel and come back to the starting position.
Do these exercises at least 2-3 times a week and do 30-40 minute cardio exercises to lose your love handles quickly. Include vegetables and fruits in your diet and stay away from red meat like beef and pork, if you want to get rid of love handles.