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Oblique Crunches

Mayuri Kulkarni
A variety of exercises can be performed to strengthen the central, upper, and lower abdominal muscles. That said, specific exercises need to be performed for the obliques. Oblique crunch is believed to be one of the most effective exercises, get leaner, toned, and muscular mid-section. This story can help you to get rid of the love handles.
Belly fat or love handles can look quite unsightly, and adversely affect one's physical appearance. Though it's difficult to get rid of them, performing certain exercises can prove to be quite beneficial. For instance, oblique crunch is believed to be quite effective in reducing the fat stored in the lower abdominal area. This exercise is not difficult, and doesn't require any gym equipment.
Our abdominal area, which is normally referred as the abs, is basically made up of four types of muscles: rectus abdominis, the transversus abdominis, and a pair of muscles called the obliques. These oblique muscles are present towards the sides, exactly where the love handles are formed.
Each of the oblique muscles has a pair of internal obliques and external obliques. Oblique crunches are exercises that are designed for the obliques.
When we perform normal sit-ups, we lower the torso soon after we raise it above the ground level, however, in side oblique crunches, we twist the torso to either of the sides, so that the oblique muscles are targeted.

Stability Ball

This exercise is believed to be the best to reduce the love handles.
  • Position yourself on the stability ball in a way that your middle back rests on the ball and your feet are flat on the floor.
  • Place your hands behind your head.
  • Now, slowly raise and tilt your upper body to twist towards the right.
  • Get back to the original position.
  • Then twist towards your left

Bench Twist

This exercise is to be performed by positioning yourself on a decline bench. Increase the height of the decline bench from one side, so that the bench is tilted.
  • Position yourself on the decline bench by locking your feet into the bench.
  • Now, place your left hand over your left ear and place your right hand on your right thigh.
  • Slowly raise your upper body and twist your torso.
  • Try to touch your right knee with your left elbow.
  • Then, slowly lower your upper body.
  • Get back to the original position.
  • Repeat the same on the other side.
  • Perform 10 sets of this exercise on each side.

Simple Crunch

To perform this oblique crunch:
  • First lie down on your back on the mat.
  • Keep your feet flat on the floor and raise your knees.
  • Now, place your right foot over your left knee.
  • Position your hands behind your head, so that your elbows point towards your sides.
  • Slowly raise your upper body.
  • Now, try to curl in a diagonal manner, towards your right side.
  • Perform 12-15 repetitions of these steps.
  • Repeat the same on the other side.

Tips to Perform The Exercises

  • Pay attention to your breathing while exercising. You should breathe out, when you lift your upper body to twist.
  • Do not concentrate on the number of sets performed, instead ensure that you perform the exercise in a perfect way.
  • Always raise your torso from your shoulders and not from the neck.
  • It is recommended that you maintain a neutral position of your spine, while performing this exercise.
  • Few warm ups and some stretches are essential before these exercises.
  • To get better results, follow a healthy, balanced, and fat-free diet.
Combine this exercise with other abdominal exercises to increase the effectiveness of the workout and the abdominal strength. Target alternate muscle groups each day to avoid muscle fatigue and cramping. It is also recommended that you stretch your muscles after these exercises.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only and does not in any way attempt to replace the advice offered by an expert on the subject.