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Mental Benefits of Exercise

Aastha Dogra
Do you know there are both physical and mental benefits of exercises? Read on to know how exercising every day positively impacts our mind and body...
If you look at the kind of lives most of us lead today, with long office hours, trying to find a balance between our personal and professional life, it is no wonder that incidences of lifestyle diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity, depression, etc. are widespread.
In order to keep these diseases at bay and to beat the stresses off life, most health experts recommend making a regular workout routine and eating a well-balanced diet. Exercising is a must these days, as it not only improves one's physical health, but has many psychological benefits as well.
Exercising burns the unwanted fat accumulated in the body. It strengthens the important organs of the body such as heart and lungs. It improves the supply of oxygen to the various organs of the body and also aids in building the muscles. It boosts one's immunity and improves endurance.
By exercising every day, a person lowers his chances of injuries, diseases and infections. Now let's look at the mental health benefits of exercise.
Feel-good Factor: One of the important psychological benefits is that it releases a number of feel good hormones such as endorphines in the body which elevate the mood of a person. Thus, a person who exercises everyday feels happy and remains in a positive mood. People suffering from stress, anxiety and depression are especially known to benefit a lot from exercising.
Alertness: Making a regular routine increases the alertness of a person. This means that he is able to be more productive than people who do not exercise. This alertness of mind can be achieved with a routine of thirty minutes of cardiovascular exercises such as running, aerobics, walking or swimming every day.
So you can choose from any activity of your choice, or better, alternate between these, and make your own workout routine.
High Energy Levels: Due to the release of hormones, which are natural painkillers, by the body during exercising, a person feels very high and full of energy, post performing them. High energy again translates into high productivity, which is very advantageous for a person's sense of overall well-being.
Confidence-booster: When a person exercises every day, his body gets into the best of shape. A fit body and good looks boosts the confidence of a person and hence he is able to achieve a lot more, both in his personal and professional life. Researches have shown that people with fit bodies tend to make a much better first impression on the interviewers compared to the ordinary looking ones.
Sleep Inducer: People who suffer from sleep problems such as insomnia can benefit a lot if they exercise every day. It is known to improve the quality of sleep in a person. Researches show that it is during one's sleep that many repairing functions of the body are carried out, which help it to work properly. So exercising in a way is beneficial for restoring and repairing the body.
Relaxation: Certain exercises are known to have a calming and relaxing effect on the mind. Yoga, meditation, breathing exercises, focus on the mind and hence make a person feel very calm, even if undertaken for just ten minutes in a day. So make a habit of performing these first thing in the morning and you will soon see the difference they make to the way you handle things throughout the day!
Looking at these benefits, one can conclude that including some sort of physical activity in one's daily routine is very necessary for one's physical as well as mental well-being. So, instead of looking for excuses of having no time to exercise, make a routine right away.
You can exercise any time of the day you can, be it morning, afternoons during your office lunch break or even in the evening after coming back from work. Researches have shown that it has a positive effect on the mind and body, irrespective of the time they are carried out at.
So, without delaying any further and to enjoy its benefits, start exercising today!