Before going for a treadmill, you may want to weigh the pros and cons of a manual treadmill vs those of an electric treadmill. And this write-up will help you make a choice.
One of the most efficient machines for cardiovascular exercises is the treadmill. It is primarily used for indoor walking, running and jogging. It comes in two types; manually driven and electrical.
Most people are often in doubt about the choice that they should make between the two. So to take a wise decision, proper information about each of these two types always comes in handy. It is important to know that the machine which you bring home must be able to give you the workout you want.
Why Should You Go for A Manual Treadmill?
The Pros
The first advantage which the manual machine is the comfort of being lighter, smaller and easier to store.
This machine is considerably cheaper than its electrical counterpart, and requires low maintenance. A manual treadmill scores high on the durability factor. It is known to last for years with minimal maintenance.
Using a manual treadmill provides greater advantage in working out those extra pounds on the hips, and love handles too. On this machine the lower part of the body is worked out better as all the effort is coming from your legs and not from the machine.
Safety is also a plus with this machine. As soon as you stop running, the belt stops. This is not in the case of an electrical one, wherein, the belt does not immediately stops if the person slows down, stumble of fall.
The Cons
In a manual treadmill as there is no motor to drive the machine, working out may get difficult initially, and might be stressful on your joints.
Adjusting the speed or the inclination may get annoying at times when you want to make it easy enough to get the belt moving.
A manual treadmill is not efficient enough to burn off calories as the speed is determined by the user, and not by the machine. So self-motivation is important in this case.
A manual treadmill also lacks many of the added benefits and features which come with a motorized treadmill such as display and function options. Here, you may not be able to keep track of your speed or the distance you have covered thus, making it difficult for you to achieve your target workout result; heart rate for instance.
Why Should You Go for An Electric Treadmill?
The Pros
As this machine is powered by a motor, you will not have to sweat to start it and get your muscles strained in the process.
During your treadmill workouts, you have the comfort of adjusting between the speed, and the inclination of the machine.
As the speed is set by the machine, you can run faster and longer, thereby burning more calories. The best feature of a motorized treadmill is that it keeps running, and keeps you motivated to carry on with the workout.
The Cons
One of the main drawbacks that a motorized treadmill may have for some people is its high cost. Also, it tends to be heavy, and requires a good amount of space.
Maintenance is also a concern as there are several possibilities of things that may go wrong with electrical devices.
And as obvious it is, frequent usage of this appliance may cost you a fortune in paying for the electric bills.
A Pointer
An important factor to be kept in mind is the kind of need and expectation you have from the machine. Those who are already in a reasonable shape and simply want to maintain a daily schedule of walking, a manual treadmill fits the bill.
On the other hand, people who are looking towards some serious 'fat-burning' workouts, the best treadmill would be an electric one.
Best Treadmills on the Market
The NordicTrack 2950
Sole F80
LifeSpan TR 1200i
Horizon Fitness T101-04
NordicTrack Commercial 1750
Bowflex BXT216
ProForm SMART Pro 9000
Precor TRM 223
Fitness Reality TR3000
So these were some of the major advantages and disadvantages which you can refer to, before buying a treadmill for yourself. Both these types have their share of pros and cons; what matters most is your need to keep yourself in good shape.