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Lunges and Squats

Bhakti Satalkar
Lunges and squats work the same set of muscles in your lower body and both are equally necessary. Read on to know more.
Lunges and squats are considered great lower body exercises.
They help strengthen and tone the hips and thighs.
One of the important benefits of lunges and squats is that they are compound exercises, which mean they work more than one muscle group.
Hence, a set each of lunges and squats burn more calories than any other exercise.
To strengthen your lower body, you will need a combination of a healthy diet, proper cardio exercises, and correct strength training. A regular routine of lunges and squats can help you in working out all your leg muscles right up to the quadriceps and hamstrings.
Lunges and squats also have postural benefits. Squats improve your posture and poise, while lunges lend your body better balance. Apart from posture and strength, squatting and lunges eliminate the inactivity and immobility in ankles. Ankle flexibility is bettered, and that helps keep away heel and ankle disorders.
Better running strength and improved gait are other obvious advantages. The ability to do a couple of back-to-back full depth squats and full stretch lunges is a sure shot sign of well-to-do physical health.


  • Stand straight with your feet about shoulder distance, or roughly 2 feet, apart. You can place your hands on your waist to improve balance.
  • Without bending your back, place your right leg forward, such that your left leg stretches to a point where the left knee is almost touching the ground.
  • This is the first half of your lunge. At this point, your front thigh should be parallel to the ground, while your back knee should be pointing towards the ground.
  • After pausing for about 5 seconds, push yourself back in the initial position. Make sure that your body weight remains on the toes while doing this. This completes the other half of your lunge.
  • Take a deep breath and repeat ten times. Each lunge should not take more than 10 seconds.
  • A daily routine of 3 sets; each of 5 lunges, should be a good beginning. Eventually as you start building better muscles, increase the number of lunges in your daily exercise.


  • Stand at attention with your head firm and stable. Take a deep breath and project your chest out slightly.
  • Ensure that your feet are slightly apart; in line with your hips and shoulders. Now stretch your hands out straight in front of your body. Make sure that your palms are facing the floor.
  • From this position, move downwards slowly, as if you are going to sit on a chair. While doing this make sure to keep your head straight and stable, and bend your upper body forward a little.
  • Continue to lower yourself down slowly, till your thighs are parallel to the ground and your back forms an arc.
  • Stay in this position for about 5 seconds, and then pull your body up back to the original position while transferring your weight on both your heels.
  • Start with 2 sets of 5 squats each. After a week or two, increase the frequency to 3 sets of 10 squats each, and so on, according to desired exercise routine.

Lunges And Squats With Weights

Lunges can also be done with weights. Choose a pair of dumbbells that you deem fit to accompany your lunges routine.
Beginners should not attempt lunges with weights. Once you get better at lunges, and develop better stamina and strength, start with light weights and eventually increase them.
Beginners should do squats without weights. As you gain experience and strength, you can start using a barbell with appropriate weights to optimize your squats.
Place the barbell on the back of your shoulder such that both sides are evenly balanced and repeat the squat exercises as mentioned.
Although both lunges and squats exercise the same muscle groups, it is important that both of them are included in your exercise regime.
It is also important to do warm-up exercises before performing lunges and squats to prevent any injuries from taking place.