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Lower Stomach Bulge

Mukta Gaikwad
Trying to lose the lower stomach bulge can be taxing. However, it isn't an impossible dream to achieve, because all it takes is some wise heath choices.
It is frustrating when your clothes fit you perfectly, but just seem obnoxiously tight around the lower stomach. A popping tummy is never a good sight. Many find the fight against the lower stomach bulge to be an excruciating one and it indeed is one. Losing the lower stomach fat isn't an easy job.
It is the last place where one loses weight and the first place where you'll put on weight. So, don't get over critical of yourself, because there are many who are sailing in the same boat. So, if you are serious about losing that unwanted fat, begin by examining why is it stored there.
For many it is genetic, pregnancy, digestion disorders or sedentary lifestyle. All these can be challenged for a flat tummy, if you are truly determined.

Exercises for Getting Rid of Stomach Bulge

Strict Exercising

Long working hours leave little room for following any kind of exercise routine. However, getting yourself in a serious gym or exercise regimen, is very important if you want to lose that flabby bulge. A gym workout will help you lose weight all over your body, but you will definitely have to walk an extra mile to get rid of the lower abdominal fat.

Cycling Crunches

Besides the regular crunches, doing a variations of crunches will help you strengthen your body coordination, balance and lower abdominal muscles. For these crunches, lie down on a gym mat. Raise both the legs off the floor and balance them. Place your hands below your head and lock them. Now, move your legs as though you are cycling in the air. As you gain momentum, twist your torso so that your right elbow touches the left knee and the left elbow touches the right knee.

Seated Leg Raises

The best part about seated leg raises is that they can be performed anywhere. So, even if you don't find the time to last ten minute of abs exercise at the gym, do them on your office chair. This exercise, will help you strengthen your lower back as well.
To perform this exercise, sit upright on the chair, such that your spine makes a right angle with the seat of the chair. Place your elbows on the arms of the chair for support. Slowly inhale and raise your legs from the floor. Move them straight up till they are parallel with the floor.
Repeat this exercise about 3-4 times in a day with 20 repetitions. Another exercises you can do while sitting on a chair is, moving the bent knees towards your chest and contracting your abdominal muscles as you do so.

Lying Leg Raises

Lying leg raises back your hip and waist very flexible, along with toning your abdominal muscles. Additionally, they also improve your balance. To perform this exercise, lie flat on the gym mat. Flex your hip (basically drawing strength from the hip muscles), pull both your legs up till the time they are at absolute 90 degrees with the floor.
Raise your feet towards the ceiling to feel the extension and stretch. Slowly, start moving your upright legs towards your head and hold the position for about 2-3 minutes. With practice you will be able to touch the floor right above your head with your feet, which is the actual aim of the exercise.

Declined Bench Sit Ups

Working against the pressure of gravity makes this exercise a challenge. Position yourself on a decline bench (one that makes acute angle with the floor). Secure your feet on a belt or ask your trainer to stand on your feet. Place your hands under your head and lift your whole trunk to touch your knees with your forehead.

Right Diet

Combining exercise with the right diet is the perfect recipe for a toned body. Thus, following a strict calorie free diet for a couple of months will help you lose that belly fat. Strictly avoid eating any junk or friend food. Stay away from carbs and limit your intake of sweets.
If possible, avoid artificial sweeteners too. Drink about 8-10 glasses of water and increase your intake of fiber, to deal with any dietary or digestion issues, if you have any. Watch the sodium that you are eating and limit to normal levels. Avoid sprinkling additional salt on your food.
Patience is another important factor that one needs while losing weight and unsightly bulges. As it takes time to get the washboard flat abs, many lose heart midway. However, with adequate exercise and proper diet, accomplishing a flat tummy is only a little effort away!