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Leg Lifts for Abs

Bhakti Satalkar
One of the best exercises for abs is the leg lift. There are many versions of this exercise, which can be practiced, and this story provides information about a few of them.
Leg lifts are one of the best exercises to get your abs in a good shape. They strengthen and tone the abdominal muscles, burn fat, increase metabolism, and improve core strength. While doing these exercises, it is important to use proper techniques, as there are chances of lower back injury. Let's see the techniques to do different versions of this exercise.

Single Leg Lift

To do this, lie on the floor, extend both the legs, and place your hands next to your buttocks. Keeping the left leg extended on the floor, lift the right leg slowly till it is perpendicular to the floor. Now slowly lower the leg till it makes a 30 degree angle with the floor. Stay in this position for a few seconds and lift your leg up again. Repeat this step 12 to 15 times before you switch to the other leg.

Double Leg Lift

It is a good lower abdominal exercise. To perform this exercise, lie on the floor with both the legs extended. Place the hands next to your buttocks, palms facing the floor. Now, lift both the legs off the floor gradually till they are perpendicular to the floor.
Hold this position for a couple of seconds and then slowly lower the legs, till they are about 6 to 8 inches off the floor. Hover the legs in this position for a couple of seconds, and lift them up again. Continue the same steps for 10 to 12 counts per set, before placing your legs on the floor.

Alternate Leg Lift

Lie on the floor with legs extended and hands placed next to your buttocks. Lift the right leg slowly off the floor till it is perpendicular to the floor. Now slowly lift the left leg off the floor, while lowering the right leg.
Lower the right leg, till it is about 6 to 8 inches off the floor, and gradually lift the right leg up and lower the left leg. Repeat the exercise for both the legs 12 to 15 times per set. Make sure that your legs don't touch the floor, till you finish with one set.

Hanging Leg Lift

To do this exercise, you will need a leg lifts machine (exercise bar). Grab the bar with an overhand grip. While hanging from the bar, make sure your body is in a straight line. Now without moving the upper body, lift your legs till waist height and extend them in front of you.
Hold in this position for a few seconds and then lower the legs. Make sure that you have slow and controlled movements. While doing this exercise, you may bend your legs at the knees while lifting the legs.

Standing Leg Lift

Stand with shoulder-width distance between your feet. It is best to stand closer to a wall. Now, slowly lift the right leg sideways and away from the body, till about waist height.
Slowly lower the leg, but do not let it touch the floor. Lift the leg up again and repeat it 12 to 15 counts per set, before you switch sides. Make sure once you lift the leg off the floor, you do not touch it to the floor till you finish with the set.
These were a few different versions of this exercise. Along with these exercises, a healthy diet is also required to get good abs. Cardiovascular exercises should also be included in the workout schedule, to accelerate the fat loss process.
Discontinue if you experience any kind of pain while doing these exercises, as there are chances are that you are doing them wrong.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only. Always consult a physician before starting any physical fitness program in order to reduce the risk of injury.