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How to Lose Weight With an Underactive Thyroid

Bhakti Satalkar
It is not uncommon to see a person suffering from an underactive thyroid wanting to know the answer to how to lose weight with an underactive thyroid. It is a well-known fact that with an underactive thyroid, it is indeed difficult to lose weight. However, this does not mean it is not possible.
It is often seen that people with an underactive thyroid battle weight problems. In most cases, weight problems exist even before an underactive thyroid is detected. This problem is caused due to insufficient amounts of thyroid hormones produced by the gland.
It is these hormones which are responsible for regulating the metabolism of the body. Along with weight gain, insufficient thyroid hormones also cause a number of other problems like depression, poor concentration levels, dry skin, constipation, etc.
Therefore, it is important that one tackles thyroid problem along with weight loss. Many think that to lose weight with an underactive thyroid is difficult.
Hence, it is important for them to know the answer to how to lose weight when you have an underactive thyroid. In reality, shedding those pounds is not as difficult as it seems to be, even when you have an underactive thyroid problem. With the right measures, it is indeed possible to shed the excess weight and keep it away as well.

Tips to Lose Weight Despite Hypothyroidism

For losing weight while suffering from hypothyroidism, it is important to note that it is the metabolic rate issue that needs to be tackled. Along with metabolism, it is also important that the thyroid glands produce the required quantities of thyroid hormones.
Hence, it is important that the medication for the same is taken on time without fail. Initially, it will take longer for the hormone level to come back to normal. However, when the medication is taken regularly, it will not be a problem. Once the levels have come back to normal, losing weight becomes rather easy.

Steady Weight Loss

For losing weight with hypothyroidism, it is important to note that weight loss will not be drastic. Therefore, one must not get demoralized if the weight loss is really insignificant. One must look at it as a slow but steady achievement.


The best method to increase metabolism is to exercise regularly. Therefore, you will have to make exercise a way of life. Exercise will have to appear on your daily routine.
Include both cardiovascular exercises as well as strength training in your workout schedule. While the cardiovascular exercises will help to shed off the excess weight, strength training will help in building muscles which will further accelerate the weight loss process.

Eat Regularly

It is often seen that people who suffer from hypothyroidism do not eat regularly owing to a lack of appetite. This, in turn, leads to the body accumulating fat as a means to hold energy reserves for bad times.
This becomes a vicious circle which causes weight gain. Therefore, eat in small quantities at regular intervals. This will also help speed up your metabolism. You can talk to your dietitian about the right number of calories for your case. You can, accordingly, divide your meals so that you are also able to create a calorie deficit.


Along with eating at regular intervals, attention will have to be paid to your diet. The diet should be rich in proteins which will help in building lean muscle mass and accelerate weight loss. It will also aid in boosting the metabolic rate, which, in turn, will help you in losing weight faster.
Your diet should be rich in complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates help in stabilizing blood sugar levels. As far as possible, eliminate refined sugar from your diet. However, do consume fruits as they contain healthy sugar. Keep the quantity of salt low in your diet.
Also keep a check on the kind of fat you consume. Fruits and vegetables should be included in the diet in larger quantities. There should be at least 5 portions of fruits and vegetables in the diet everyday.

Keep Yourself Active

It is best to include as much as physical activity as possible. Wherever possible, avoid using elevators and try walking or cycling to your destinations. These may seem to be small changes but they will go a long way in the weight loss process.
The more active you are the easier it will be for you to lose weight. However, that does not mean that you give your daily exercise routine a miss. The exercise routine will stay in its place and this change will also be included.
I hope you have now found the answer to how to lose weight with an underactive thyroid. It is advisable to consult your healthcare professional for more specific measures that you will have to take in order to lose weight and also maintain it.