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How to Get Toned Arms

Indrajit Deshmukh
Wondering how to get toned arms? Well following a simple arms workout routine along with an appropriate diet will get you there faster.
For people who would like to have toned arms, the answer is to include arm workout routines with cardiovascular exercises. It is a myth that by working a specific region fat accumulated in that region vanishes.
For example, if you have fat around the belly region it will not disappear by just doing crunches. The crunches will help tighten your abdominal muscles but you will have to do some cardio training to burn calories and excess fat. So, if you want to get toned arms, follow a good arms workout routine, proper diet plan and cardiovascular exercises to burn fat.

Exercises to Get Toned Arms

Biceps Curls

The biceps barbell curls are one of the best barbell exercises for toning your upper arms.
Stand straight, grab a barbell with your palms facing towards you and shoulder width apart. Keep your elbows close to the body and look straight ahead; this is your start position. Now curl the bar towards your shoulders by contracting your biceps muscles, go as far up as possible.
Do not bring in your shoulder muscles into play when you are curling the bar up. Exhale as you go up and inhale as you come back to the starting position for this arm muscle workout.

Bench Dips

Stand with a bench behind you and place your palms on the edge of the bench, ensure that your arms are straight. Slide your feet forward so that your torso is perpendicular to the floor. Now go down by bending your elbows, till there is a less than 90 degree angle between your forearms and biceps.
Inhale as you go down and exhale as you come up, also make sure that your elbows are tucked in and pointing back. This range of motion will stimulate your triceps and is one of the best exercises without weights for toned arms for women.

Barbell Curls

Try this exercise, grip a barbell shoulder width apart with your palms facing up towards you and sit on a flat bench. Keep your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Now place your forearms on your thighs so that the starting point of your wrists end up on the edge of your knees.
Slowly lower the bar as far as possible and then bring it back up as far as you can. This unwinding and twisting motion will strain your forearms and give them a good workout. Inhale as you are lowering the bar and exhale as you are getting it up.

Cardio and Diet

To support the arm workouts for women or men you need a good cardio and diet plan. Any cardio routine which is less than 40 minutes is ineffective, so plan your cardio workout for at least 40 minutes.
One important tip when planning a cardio routine is to add variety to your workout, try different cardiovascular exercise equipment, like the treadmill, cross trainer, exercise bike. In your diet plan include vegetables, fruits and low-fat dairy products. Use lean meat like fish and turkey, also make sure you add berries and nuts to your menu.
Do not worry about how long does it take to get toned arms, just stick to your routine and you will get results.
Ensure you start working out because information has zero value unless it is backed with consistent action. Make sure you consult your physician before you go on any diet or workout regimen.