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How to Get Motivated to Workout

Sheetal Mandora
Horrid temperature, consuming fast food, and too much partying can extinguish the desire to workout. Read this story if you too are lacking the motivation to alter your health for the better.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only. Always consult a physician before starting any physical fitness program in order to reduce the risk of injury.
Everyday is different. No matter how mundane or predictive your life has become, everyday has its perks and downfalls. Amidst all the responsibilities, we somehow forget to be true to ourselves, and our health―body, mind, and soul. No matter how active you may be, at point or another, we need that extra boost of will power and dedication to get up and workout.

Exercising in Winter

Working out in winters can be extremely difficult due to the cold, dry winds. When your heart wishes to sit by the fireplace with a cup of hot cocoa, who would want to wear the workout gear and head out? Forget working out, I bet it's even more challenging to get up and go out the door. But something has to be done. Here are the tips on how to motivate yourself to exercise even in winters.
  • First and foremost, wear the correct winter workout gear. If you wear the right clothes, you will stay dry and warm from the inside. This helps a lot when you have to exercise in the cold.
  • Find the sunshine. Whenever you find sun outside, make sure you head out and soak up some rays. The sunlight will take away your workout blues and eliminate the cravings to stay home.
  • Sign up for a walking marathon or mini triathlon. These events gather a huge crowd and seeing them run, walk, and/or cycle, you will easily get motivation for a workout as well.
Don't forget your iPod while you're heading out. Listening to music like hip hop, rock, and workout songs while you workout makes a huge difference. You will increase your mood to exercise, do it for a longer period of time, and won't get bored while you're at it.
  • Get a workout buddy with you. Ask your husband/wife, girlfriend/boyfriend, friend, colleague, or neighbor to exercise with you. The two of you can motivate each other and exercise on a regular basis.
Every once in a while, go hiking, cycling, and snowboarding. A change is always required when it comes to losing weight and these outdoor winter sports can be a great self-esteem booster.

Exercising at Home

Let's face it. When you're at home, the desire to lose weight sort of diminishes by the time you get to it. No matter how many times you've promised yourself that "today will be different", it ends up being the same.
So in all of this, how can you find self motivation to lose weight? There are some techniques you can use to work out and reach your target weight loss goal even when you're at home.
  • Wear the right workout gear. Even if you're home, you need the right clothes to get you in the mood.
  • Tune in to the fitness channel. Is there a show that you like to watch and workout? Set a reminder on your television or better yet TiVo it. Then, you can exercise anytime of the day.
  • Change your workout everyday. The same exercises can be boring at times and that may be the reason behind you looking for external motivation.
Get your iPod, play your favorite songs, and go for a jog outside. Working out in the house can be fun, but only for sometime. Do speed walking, jogging, running, cycling, or rollerblading outdoors and you'll definitely enjoy working out more.
  • Organize a "neighborhood exercise team". Contact people from your neighborhood to join a workout team where you exercise everyday. You can meet at someone's place and do different outdoor activities that will help you burn calories.
  • Join a dance class, or sign up for aerobic and cardio classes.

Exercising after Work

All throughout the day, I keep telling myself that I will go workout and get in shape. However, when I actually have to head out to the gym, my energy level just drops down and I end sitting in front of the television, with a bag of chips. So not right. But there is something you can do in order to learn how to get motivated to exercise after work.
  • Get the right workout gear. I don't know but I guess it's the clothes that you wear can really boost your interest to exercise.
  • Don't go straight home from work. The comforts of the home after a long day at work can ruin things. So take your gym bag along with you to work and head straight to the gym.
  • Get a workout buddy. Ask your colleague, friend, or family member to join the gym with you. When you have to exercise with someone, it helps a lot (as compared to exercising alone in the gym).
  • Prepare a workout planner. This can be a bit tough, but if you are a perfectionist or like to do things written down in the planner, then maybe this can help.
  • Get a physical trainer. A professional trainer is an amazing motivator. They are trained to exercise the entire body, keeping the individual's weight loss goal, medical conditions, and fitness level in mind.
  • Prepare an upbeat playlist that'll keep you going on the treadmill.
Breaking through the boredom and still pushing yourself a little harder is all it takes. Involve fun activities and exercises, learn something new like yoga, Pilates, dance, or a sport.
The biggest self-esteem booster and motivator to exercise and lose weight is to see yourself in the best of health. The above mentioned weight loss tips are supposed to do the same. When you walk on the beach, the heads have to turn; that too for the right reasons.
You run into some old friends and compliments should pour out. The point I am trying to make here is that you should feel good about yourself and be proud of it. We have given you tips and suggestions on how to get motivated to get yourself off the couch and start working out. Try them out. What else you've got to lose other than some unwanted pounds?