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How to Do a Bicycle Crunch

Madhura Pandit
The bicycle crunch is one of the most effective abdominal exercises. Here is a step-by-step method for performing this exercise at home.
Crunches help in weight loss and in toning stomach muscles. Dragon, reverse, bicycle, Thai, twisting, cable crunch, etc., are different types of crunches. With this exercise, you can work out on various muscles, like the abdomen, waist, and thighs. Once you get the right technique, you can perform this exercise at home.

Doing Bicycle Crunches

  • You can either perform this exercise on a comfortable bed (soft but firm) or on the floor, using a yoga mat.
  • Firstly, lie flat on the floor, with your back straight (back should be flat on the floor).
  • The lower part of your back should touch the ground or should be pressed to it.
  • Now place your hands at the back of the head.
  • Before beginning the actual exercise, try working your legs. Make a 45 degrees angle by bringing your knees closer to the chest.
  • Make a pedaling motion with your legs, at a slow pace.
  • Now, in the second part of the exercise, work out with your elbows.
  • Try to touch your right elbow to your left knee, and the left elbow to the right knee by lifting your upper body slightly
  • Continue doing this for as many times as possible, without any discomfort. Choose from the set of 25, 50, and 100 (or any number possible for you).
  • Make sure you breathe evenly during the entire exercise. Do not try to hold on breath. If you take in breath while touching the knee with the elbow, try to maintain this throughout.
Remember to keep your back straight and the position of the elbows and knees constant. Do not lower your legs or try faster pedaling speed. Secondly, if you have completed a set comfortably and wish for more, be sure that you rest at least for 2-3 minutes before beginning again.
If you experience pain or discomfort at any point, stop immediately and rest. This exercise can even be performed on the exercise ball. However, you need to be more careful while doing it.
It is recommended to perform the exercise under the guidance of a trainer, if doing it for the first time.
There is hardly any possibility of injury and stress if you follow the proper technique. For that reason, you should understand the instructions properly, and try slowly and carefully initially. Make sure you do not stretch or overuse any muscle in order to avoid injury. Performing the exercise regularly and following a proper diet can help in losing weight effectively. Take care!
Disclaimer: The story is meant only to provide information. For detailed explanation on the same, consult your trainer.