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Hip Exercises

Abhay Burande
For most women, and some men, the lower body has always been a trouble spot. In order to work your hips and thighs, this story will give you effective hip exercises that can be performed at home or the gym.
Working out has become a necessary and beneficial part of everyone. Keeping your entire body fit doesn't only mean eating right, taking less stress, and leading a healthier lifestyle; it also includes exercises and workout plans that can give your body enough energy and sustenance to keep going for the entire day.
Depending on workout goal, these following hip exercises are a way to strengthen the muscles in your hips and thighs. You can choose to conduct these exercises from the comfort of your home, or at a gym under supervision.
Stand against a wall. The body from the waist to the head must touch the wall. Place both feet slightly ahead of the wall and shoulder-width apart.
Both your knees must be slightly bent, chest upwards, and abdominal muscles tightened. Squat directly downwards while brushing the back against the wall. Wherever it is felt comfortable, stop the downwards motion. The back should not bend forward. Then, move upwards to the initial position.
Place the left leg ahead of the right leg. Split the body weight equally between the legs. Tighten the abdominal muscles, slightly bend both knees, and keep your chest upwards.
Squat directly downwards and stop wherever you feel comfortable. The back should not bend forward. Push the body upwards to the initial position. Reverse the position of both legs and carry out the same procedure.
Sit on a leg press machine with the back against the back pad.
Leg Press
Tighten the abdominal muscles, bend your knees slightly, and chest upwards. Lower the weight. Split the weight between the hip joints and knee joints. Stop when it is felt comfortable and push the weight upwards. Stop just before the knees are almost straight (and not locked).
Stand with the legs placed shoulder-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in each hand such that the fingers point towards the thighs.
Dumbbell Squats
Tighten the abdominal muscles, bend your knees slightly, and chest upwards. Push the hip backwards and squat downwards. Stop whenever it is felt comfortable. The back should not come forward. Start moving upwards. Stop just before the knees are almost straight.
Stand with one leg ahead of the other. Hold one dumbbell in each hand with the fingers pointing towards the thighs. Split the weight equally between the legs.
Dumbbell Lunges
Tighten the abdominal muscles, bend your knees slightly, and chest upwards. Move the hips slightly backwards and squat directly downwards. Stop whenever it is felt comfortable. Push the weight directly upwards. Stop before the knees are almost straight.
Stand so that the legs are shoulder-width apart. Hold the barbell without any weights behind the neck and on the shoulders.
Barbell Squats
Tighten the abdominal muscles, bend your knees slightly, and chest upwards. Push the hip backwards and squat directly downwards. Stop wherever it is felt comfortable. Push directly upwards to the initial position. Stop just before the knees are almost straight.
Stand with one leg in front of the other. Hold the barbell without any weights behind the neck and on the shoulders.
Barbell Lunges
Tighten the abdominal muscles, bend your knees slightly, and chest upwards. Move the hips backwards slightly and squat directly downwards. Stop whenever it is felt comfortable. Push the weight directly upwards. Stop just before the knees are almost straight.
In all the above exercises, the muscles like gluteus maximus, adductor longus, abductors, quadriceps, and hamstrings are benefited. Only quadriceps are in the front of the human upper leg. Rest all four muscles lie to the rear of the human upper leg.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be replaced for the advice of a physician/nutritionist.