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Tips on Getting Fit Fast

Ashwini Kulkarni Sule
People are finally waking up to the hazards of an unhealthy lifestyle and are looking for ways to get fit. This story provides some tips on how to get fit, quick.
Today's life is extremely simple and convenient. You have everything you need within the hand's reach. You have a car to take you to places, a cell phone to keep in touch with your loved ones, a computer that connects you to the world, an elevator which saves you the trouble of climbing stairs, and a complete range of home appliances that make life so much comfortable.
What more could one ask for in life? Health! That's the unanimous reply from all those who have been crippled by the luxuries of modern life. Sedentary and unhealthy lifestyle has really made people very unfit, and victims of several diseases and disorders. However, the good news is that people are finally looking out for ways to ditch their unhealthy lifestyle and are trying to lead a healthy life.

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Tips on Getting Fit Fast

Plan it Out

Yes, like any other big project, you need to plan out your fitness regimen as well. Without a concrete get fit quick plan, all your random attempts may end without a result. Hence, it is a must that you identify your problem areas and chalk out a plan to work upon these areas. While we are at it, I would like to make it clear that being fit has got nothing to do with being slim. You can be fat yet fit. On the contrary, a size zero model may have several health issues, which prevent her from qualifying as a fit person.
Hence, forget about those extra pounds here and there and focus upon the major health issues that you experience. Do you feel tired and exhausted all the time? Perhaps, there is something wrong with your diet. Do you suffer from body pain, digestion problems? May be you are not exercising enough. Whatever it is, you need to first find out the cause of concern in your body. Perhaps a session with a general physician may help you to address your health woes, and guide you towards your goal of healthy living.

Eat Well

Diet plays a vital role in maintaining your physical and mental well-being. Unfortunately, most of us pay little attention to what we eat. The canned, processed food that we eat, does little to provide nutrition to our body. All it does is pile up calories and gather pounds of fat on your body. Even the food served in restaurants is high in calories and does not adhere to proper hygiene measures.
Not only you risk food poisoning from such foods, but you also damage your body in the long run. It is extremely important to eat fresh, home cooked food if you wish to stay fit and fine. Healthy eating includes incorporating lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, juices, dairy products, poultry, and lean meat which can help provide complete nutrition to your body. Low calorie food indeed prevents you from being lethargic and keeps you alert all day.


Exercising does not necessarily mean toiling hard in the gym. You can perform simple, light exercises even at home. Choosing the right form of exercises is important to get a fit body. Hire a personal trainer who may suggest appropriate exercises by evaluating your body type and studying your problem areas. If you do not have major health issues and have a lean body, simply walking for 20 - 30 minutes can keep you fit. Cycling, swimming, running, and jogging are other light exercises that can help you stay fit. Thus, choose a form of exercise that suits your gender, age, and body type.

Lead a Healthy Lifestyle

This is another important aspect of staying fit and healthy. Your diet and exercise can take you only so far, but it is your habits that will truly determine your physical and mental health. Give up unhealthy addictions like alcohol, drugs, or smoking. Similarly, focus upon your mental health by performing yoga or meditation. Try to be happy and stress free in your daily life.
Remember, the idea of getting fit fast is impractical. It is not some quick weight loss program which puts your body under tremendous stress only to lose a few pounds (which eventually come back!). Building fitness is a gradual process and requires immense patience on your part. So, make a resolution to stay fit from this moment itself!