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Fitness Tips for Men

Ashwini Kulkarni Sule
Fitness is not the arena reserved only for women. Even men are in dire need of fitness tips these days, and are looking to build a healthy and lean body.
Many people wrongly assume that fitness has something to do with stick thin bodies. The truth is that, it has nothing to do with the size of your body. You can be heavy and still be fit at the same time. So what is fitness? It is essentially a sound and healthy state of body as well as mind.
Health has become an issue of concern these days, owing to our unhealthy lifestyle. Disorders such as obesity, hypertension, diabetes etc., are becoming graver by the day. The only way to cope with these disorders is by following a regular fitness regimen.
Being fit does not necessarily mean expensive gym memberships and working out on hi-fi equipments. It essentially means adopting a healthy lifestyle to enhance your mental and physical endurance.

Health and Fitness Tips

Understand Your Body

Before you rush to enroll for any weight loss programs or sign up for a gym membership, it is very important to understand your body and mind thoroughly. If you are a healthy person with an average build, then you don't need extensive work out programs.
You can simply jog in the morning or perform yoga to maintain your health. A few stretch exercises coupled with a a 15 min walk on treadmill is good exercise for men who lead a sedentary lifestyle. However, if you suffer from any health issues, then it would be apt for you to get advice from a professional regarding your workout routine.

Identify Your Purpose

Most people who wish to follow a workout routine, do so only to enhance their physical appearance. They are people who want to shed those extra pounds as early as possible. On the other hand, there are people who wish to achieve physiques similar to their favorite movie stars. Bulging biceps, thick neck, and six pack abs are the only things they look for.
Whatever your purpose may be, follow a regimen and work towards fulfilling it. You may get tips from a gym instructor who may also chalk out a workout program exclusively for you, after assessing your body.


Nutrition is the most important factor when you think about fitness. Eating healthy food is of utmost importance if you wish to attain mental and physical fitness. This includes eating foods less in carbs and rich in protein and fiber.
You should make it a habit to have a large and healthy breakfast in the morning. Not only will it suffice your energy requirement for the day, but will also reduce your urge to snack on unhealthy foods.
Eating small portions of meal at a time is a great idea to keep fit and get rid of that lethargic feeling. Also, it is essential to bid goodbye to over processed foods that are stuffed with calories.


Right attitude and healthy lifestyle play a vital role in your fitness. If you start your day with a positive attitude and lot of self motivation, you are likely to remain healthy throughout the day. Learning how to de-stress yourself and keeping your cool in critical situations can go a long way in lengthening your life.
Also, refraining from addictions such as alcohol, smoking etc., can have positive impact on your life. Lastly, spend time with your family and learn to laugh at small things in life. This is an ultimate key to healthy living.