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External Abdominal Oblique Exercises

Pragya T
Mentioned in this story are the best external abdominal oblique exercises and other tips to lose weight fast.
Many people while trying to lose weight, follow exercises for abdominal muscles, however the external oblique is an area which is often neglected. But, if the exercises for external oblique muscles are not focused on, then it doesn't give a very proportionate look.
Hence, when trying to lose weight especially from the abdomen focus on the external oblique region too. External oblique muscles are commonly called love handles.

Cardio Exercises

Just following external oblique exercises is not enough. To burn off the fat from the body, one also needs to follow cardio exercises. There are many good fat burning exercises that you can consider. Some of the best cardio exercises are jump rope workouts, swimming, and running workouts.
Cardio exercises are also good as warm up exercises before you follow any exercises. So, do a cardio for half an hour and then follow the below exercises. Cardio exercises will also help to boost up your metabolism, which will aid in further weight loss.

Quick Squats

Quick squats exercises have been used by Indian wrestlers since ages. This is a good exercise to build up your butt, abs, sides, and leg muscles. To perform Hindu squats, stand on the ground at shoulder-width distance and keep your hands at the sides.
Then keep going up and down quickly and every time you go down your fingers should lightly touch the ground. Do 50 quick reps in 5 minutes and once you have more stamina do another set in next 10 minutes.

Hula Hoop

These are fun exercises for kids and adults and you can do it in the park, or in the living room while watching TV. So, get a good hula hoop and with the rotating motion of your waist keep moving the hula hoop.

Bicycle Crunch

This is one of the best exercise for love handles, but it doesn't mean that you keep on continuosly performing this exercise. Overworking with this exercise can result in a sore neck, so to avoid this only perform 20 reps of 2 sets.
To do this crunch lie down on your back, then lace your fingers behind your head and bring your knees near the torso, and lift your shoulder off the ground. Then move your left elbow towards your right knee and simultaneously straighten out the left leg. Switch sides and repeat.

Side Leg Lifts

To do this workout, lie down on a mat on one side. Then try to raise your leg as high as you can and hold it for 2 - 3 seconds, then lower it down and repeat. Perform 20 reps, then switch side and repeat. Perform two sets.

Olympic Bar Rotations

To perform these exercises you can use a simple bar, or even use a barbell bar with light weights. However, if you are a beginner to exercising, then simply start with a bar. Place the bar on your shoulder and then throw your hands over it for balance.
Then stand at shoulder-width distance, and start twisting your torso from side to side making semicircles. Perform 50 reps of 2 sets.
So, include 3 - 5 above abdominal exercises in your workout plan to shed off the fat from waist region and get great-looking love handles.