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Probable Reasons of Exhaustion After Exercising

Aastha Dogra
Is your workout routine making you feel tired instead of keeping you energized? Read on to know the causes behind this, as well as ways to get rid of it.
To feel exhausted after exercising is something everyone experiences, and thus it is completely fine. However, if you are experiencing extreme fatigue, not only after your workout but throughout the day, then it's time that you start looking at your lifestyle or your exercise program or even your health condition.
This will help you determine the real cause behind the problem. Let us see some of the possible reasons which can make a person feel extremely tired after he performs exercises:

Inadequate Sleep Time

When a person sleeps, it gives time to the body to regenerate itself. Seven to eight hours of sleep is a must for the body to get complete rest.
If a person is not sleeping enough, it can make him feel tired throughout the next day, including when he is exercising and even after that.

Inadequate Recovery Time

The exercise program should be designed in such a way that the muscles get enough time to recover. A weekly off is a must in any exercise plan.
Also, aerobics should be limited to thrice a day, and the same muscles should not be worked upon for two consecutive days, otherwise it can cause muscle fatigue. If the exercise program is not designed properly and these basic rules are overlooked, it can make you feel exhausted.


Dehydration after exercise is another reason why a person might feel tired after exercising. So, to counter this problem drinking 2-3 liters of water everyday is a must. In addition to this, keeping the body hydrated by drinking water before, during, and after the workout is recommended by many fitness experts too.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Extreme exhaustion after exercise could be due to a condition known as chronic fatigue syndrome. It is believed that four in every thousand adults in America are affected by this condition. The reasons behind this syndrome have not been established.
Therefore, it cannot be explained why a person might feel extremely fatigued due to this syndrome. Also, the cure for chronic fatigue syndrome is still not known. Therefore, all a person can do is take care of the individual symptoms that he may be experiencing.

Over Exercising

Most of the time, running or jogging for a long time will definitely leave you feeling exhausted. Each person's capacity to undertake exercises varies.
For example, for beginners, a run of even fifteen minutes might be tiring, while a trained athlete may not feel tired even after running for more than two hours. So, if a person over indulges in exercising, i.e., exercises more than his body can take, it can cause extreme fatigue.

Low Blood Sugar Level

After exercising, it might happen that the glycogen stored in the muscles may deplete, causing a drop in the blood sugar level. If this happens, the energy levels fall, and the person feels extremely tired. A good way to avoid this is by eating a healthy carbohydrate snack such as fruit yogurt, after the workout.

Metabolic Disease

A person affected by metabolic disease may feel extremely tired and exhausted after a workout. The causes behind this condition vary from person to person, and so do the symptoms. In order to combat this disease, doctors often recommend treatment which entails treating its symptoms.
In most of the cases, this problem can be cured by making certain lifestyle and dietary changes.
In most of the cases, this problem can be cured by making certain lifestyle and dietary changes. Eat a healthy diet with all the vitamins and nutrients, cutting down on fats and fried foods. Sleep and take rest adequately and consult a trained-exercise professional to redesign your exercise program if it does not suit you.
Lastly, drink lots of water to keep your body well-hydrated are more than enough to keep you energized throughout the day. However, if you still feel exhausted after exercising in spite of all these changes, proper diagnosis by a medical professional is recommended.
Disclaimer: The information provided here is solely for educating the reader and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.