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Endurance Strength Training

Yash Gode
Strength is the ability for muscles to contract powerfully, while endurance is the ability of the muscles to contract repeatedly. The former is primarily attained by lifting heavy objects, while the latter is achieved through conditioning.
A combination of the aforementioned trainings is usually followed by athletes and has now achieved mass appeal in the gym arena. This article provides detailed information on this training.
Each individual hitting the gym has varied reasons for doing so. These reasons are compositely known as training goals. Basically, there are four distinct training goals laid down by fitness experts: strength, power, hypertrophy, (muscle building) and endurance training.
Most fitness enthusiasts hit the gym to enhance only one of these. However, we can find a midway by combining multiple goals which can be doubly beneficial. Endurance strength training is one such hybrid goal, which can give benefits of two training routines.
The strength exercises help in building the body strength by increasing the strength and density of bones, muscles, and tendons.
This is basically resistance training which involves exponential increase in weights, elastic resistance, or resistance band workout, along with the uses of several type of fitness equipment which target a specific group of muscles.
 It involves lesser reps with heavier weights and substantial rest between the sets. Endurance involves a schedule, specifically aimed at increasing stamina, which is the ability of muscle exertion for a longer duration. In contrast to strength, this involves more number of repetitions with lighter weights and shorter resting period. 
Now, we can very well understand the definition of this kind of training.

What is Endurance Strength Training?

It is a more rigorous training routine, which has the features of both strength and endurance training. The main aim is to be able to use the strength, gained over an extended period of time. So, it is bound to involve the use of heavier weights for more repetitions with shorter resting intervals. This type of training can be summed up in an equation as below:
Strength-Endurance = Heavy Weights + Short Rest + Volume

Let's take a look at the three terms involved in this equation, one-by-one:
Heavy Weights: This is the bare essential for imparting this muscular training. If one wants stronger muscles and bone structure, weight training is a necessity.
The widely used term '1RM weight or 1 rep max' means the extreme maximum weight one can successfully lift for any kind of workout in just one repetition; the subsequent failure to repeat it is irrelevant.
Pure strength training is generally performed with 80 - 90% of 1RM load, whereas endurance training is done at just 40 - 60% of 1RM load, and the aforementioned training requires workout at 75 - 85% of 1RM load.
Short Rest Interval: The main motive behind increasing strength-endurance is to make your body able to exert maximum strength, without allowing complete aerobic recovery. Shorter rest periods also help increase endurance.
For example: lifting a heavier weight for say 2 - 4 repetitions, and resting for 30 seconds is beneficial, rather than lifting a lighter weight for 8 - 12 reps. and resting for 60 seconds or more.
Volume: It does not mean large number of repetitions, it means more number of sets, within shorter intervals. Not doing a fair number of repetitions in all the sets, would not help increase any kind of endurance or strength.
Only by doing a large volume (i.e., sets, within shortened time-outs) will give you endurance. Coupling this with heavy weights, is when we have strength-endurance.


Heavy weights are used for more set counts with less repetitions (for e.g., 10 - 15 sets of 1 - 4 reps). Take shortened rest periods of ideally 20 - 40 seconds only, and ensure you never exceed 60 seconds.
While starting such a routine, either use shorter resting intervals (not more than 30 seconds) and lift lighter weights (around 65 - 70% of 1RM load), or take longer timeouts (up to 60 seconds), while doing workouts with heavier weights (between 80 - 85% of 1RM load).
Those starting with lighter weights should strive to increase the weights in every session. Similarly, if you started with the longer rest times, aim to decrease it in each workout session. However, take small steps, add only 5 - 10 lbs. of weight or decrease only 5 - 10 seconds of rest per workout.
This workout could be adopted by male or female. It will not only help you gain strength, but you will experience increased sustainability of strength while working out.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only. Always consult a fitness trainer before starting any physical fitness program in order to reduce the risk of injury.