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Effective Ab Routine

Pragya T
Target exercises with a diet rich in protein makes the effective ab routine. Let us look at the exercises and diet one should follow to get great looking abs.
Do you wish to shed off the excess fat from the belly region, so you can have great abs? Or do you already have a flat stomach and are aiming at some great-looking abs? No matter what your goal is the ab routine remains the same. To get great-looking abs you need to do some cardio, target exercises, and follow a diet rich in lean proteins. So, let us look at the various exercises and diet requirements.

Effective Ab Routine Exercises & Diet Tips

The most effective ab workout does consist of target exercises. However, cardio is essential too, along with some strength training. For those who have some fat in their abdomen region, need to do cardio 5 times a week for 20-30 minutes. However, if you already have a flat stomach then consider doing cardio for 15 minutes only.
The best cardio exercise are walking or jogging on an incline at 10-15 degrees on the treadmill. However, if you don't have access to a treadmill then next best cardio exercises are swimming and jump rope workout. You must be thinking what does cardio workout has to do with ab routine? Cardio will help overweight people lose weight, while people who already have a flat stomach can use it as a warm up before they do target exercises.
Now, comes the target exercises. These should be chosen wisely, so that they help to build abs effectively. Top ab routines include box jumps, bicycle crunch, and side bends with dumbbells. People who have stomach fat can also consider doing the vacuum pose to get rid of belly fat faster. To perform the vacuum pose suck your belly button in as much as you can and hold it for 10-30 seconds. Then slowly release it. You can do this exercise anytime you like.
To do box jumps, keep a sturdy box in front of you. Then stand at a comfortable distance away from the box and keep your hands at your sides. Then jump on the box and hold this position for a second. Then jump back down. This was one repetition. To perform bicycle crunch lie down on the floor and raise your torso a bit and lace your fingers behind your head. Then crunch by moving the torso to the left and simultaneously bring the right knee to touch the left elbow. Then switch sides and repeat.
To build the sides of abdominal do overhead dumbbell side bends. Hold a dumbbell over your head while standing. Then move it to one side comfortably as much as you can and hold this position or a second. Then stand straight. Switch sides and repeat. Do 2 sets of each exercise, and perform 15 reps in one set. Do some stretches after your workout, to cool down and improve flexibility.
An essential part of the ab routine are ab diet power foods. In this diet eat more lean proteins and avoid carbs. Eat lean meats like turkey, chicken, and eggs. So, every meal you have should contain some amount of protein. Also, include nuts in the diet. They are healthy and good source of energy.
Eat berries too as they are rich in antioxidants and help in weight loss and detox. Eat oatmeal regularly and drink plenty of water. Both will help in further weight loss. Have yogurt too, as it is low calorie snack plus contains a very important protein. Also, have whey protein powder mixed with fat free milk everyday.
So, form an routine with the above mentioned exercises and include the special ab power foods in your diet to get abs faster. Make sure you take a break on weekends from exercise to give the body ample rest. Good luck!