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Dynamic Stretching Exercises

Chandni Dwivedi
The benefits of dynamic stretching exercises are numerous. One would greatly benefit by incorporating these exercises in one's exercise routine. The following story lists out some of the most effective dynamic stretches.
Dynamic stretching exercises are stretches that involve movement. These need to be performed in such a way, that one experiences muscle stretching at the same time. They are a combination of warm up exercises and stretches, that exercise the muscles and increase the heart rate.
Some of the exercises which can be incorporated in one's daily exercise routine are given below.

Front Kicks

  • While standing straight, stretch the right hand forward. With the right leg, kick straight up (in front of you), keeping the outstretched right hand as a target to kick towards.
  • While kicking, keep the leg straight and do not bend either of the knees.
  • Do 10 kicks with each leg. One should feel a stretch behind the knee in the hamstring muscle while kicking.

Side Squats

  • Squat down, with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Shift the weight on the left leg, and extend the right leg outwards to the right side.
  • Slowly, shift the weight onto the right leg, keeping the left leg firm. Try to squat as low as possible.
  • Shift the weight back to the left leg, while keeping the right leg planted firmly on the ground.
  • This movement of squatting and shifting of body weight from one leg to the other will stretch your leg muscles thoroughly. Repeat it at least 10 times.

Trunk Rotators

  • These stretches are an extension of side bends, and they work up the muscles of the abdomen.
  • For this exercise, one has to stand straight with feet shoulder-width apart and hands resting on the hips.
  • Bend to the right and then, slowly rotate your torso backwards.
  • Continue this circular motion and rotate towards the left, and then bend forward till the circle gets completed and come back to the starting position.
  • Straighten up and then bend to the left. Repeat the same movement counterclockwise.
  • Do this at least 10 times. Remember to move slowly. Do not bend the knees and breathe normally.

Half Squat

  • Stand straight with hands stretched out in front.
  • Bend the knees until the thighs are parallel to the floor, while keeping the back straight. Stay in this position for a few seconds, and then return to the standing position.
  • Repeat this exercise 16 times, breathe in while going down and breathe out while rising.

Hip Circles

  • With the feet spread wider than the shoulder-width apart and hands on the hips, move the hips in a circle in the clockwise direction.
  • Do this 10 - 15 times, and then repeat in counterclockwise direction.
Dynamic stretching exercises also include lunges, leg swings, heel ups, arm swings, torso twists, etc., which involve moving of certain parts of the body repetitively. These exercises are better than the static stretching exercises, if one requires to stretch their muscles before some dynamic activity.

Dynamic Stretching Vs. Static Stretching

Dynamic stretches involve motion, i.e., actively moving a joint through a range of motions, while static stretching requires one to hold a stretch and does not involve motion. As per some research reports, static stretching does not really aid in injury prevention and performance enhancement.
Static stretching, in fact, decreases the muscle strength by up to 9% for an hour after the stretch. Static stretching is not recommended before a game or dynamic activity, as it doesn't optimize performance on the field. On the other hand, dynamic stretching exercises prepare the body for movement.
For any athlete or sportsperson, dynamic stretches and stretching routine are one and the same thing. Dynamic stretches improve muscle flexibility, stimulate the nervous system, and decrease the chances of injury. This is the reason why these exercises are replacing static stretching exercises, and have been adopted by athletes in a big way.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only. Always consult a physician before starting any physical fitness program in order to reduce the risk of injury.