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Dumbbell Exercises

Rita Putatunda
A dumbbell workout is a great way to get strong and fit. It is beneficial for both advanced lifters who are wanting to gain mass and amateur trainers who are wanting to tone up and lose some extra weight. The upcoming story elucidates on a few dumbbell exercises.
One of the best things about using dumbbells is that just about anybody can work out with them. You need not get an expensive gym membership, and neither do you need a whole lot of space or costly equipment. All you need is a pair of dumbbells and a proper workout routine to get all the benefits of weight training.
Exercises using dumbbells can help in developing various elements of strength, like building muscle mass, strength endurance, explosive power, and maximal strength. It is particularly effective because you are forced to control the weights. This forces you to use smaller stabilizer muscles with each movement you make.
These exercises are also referred to as free weight exercises, which enable your muscles to get a wider range of motion along with more freedom.
Given below are a number of dumbbell exercises that will help you exercise practically every part of your body.

For the Biceps

Concentration Bicep Curls
Begin by sitting on the edge of a bench with your feet about a foot apart and flat on the floor. Hold the dumbbell in a firm grip in your right hand, and place the elbow on the right knee towards the inside of the thigh. Curl the dumbbell upwards and then slowly lower it back down.
Ensure that you do not use momentum; instead the movement should be a controlled one. Repeat 8 - 12 times per set and then switch to the other arm.
Hammer Curls
Stand up straight with your feet slightly apart. Hold the dumbbells in each hand and place your hands on the sides. Keep the palms turned inwards so that they face your body. Keeping your elbows close to the body, curl the dumbbells up and down alternatively. You can do this 8 - 12 times per set.

For the Triceps

Overhead Triceps Extensions
Begin by standing up straight with your feet about shoulder width apart. Hold the dumbbell firmly in your right hand and position the arm straight above your head. Support your right elbow by clasping it with your left hand. Now, slowly lower the dumbbell, behind your head, by bending your right elbow and then straighten the arm back up. Repeat 8 - 12 times per set and then switch to the other arm.
Triceps Back Extensions
Begin by standing beside a bench, kept on your left side. Then, place your left knee and left hand on it, with your torso bent forward, and parallel to the floor. Hold the dumbbell with your right hand, with the elbow bent at right angles. Now, extend the right elbow so that the whole arm is parallel to the floor. Then, bend your elbow again. Repeat 8 - 12 times per set. Then, switch to the other arm.

For the Shoulders

Shoulder Presses
Begin by standing upright with your feet about shoulder width apart. Hold the dumbbells with both your arms extended overhead, making sure that your back is straight. Lower the dumbbells down slowly until they come to the shoulder level. Then, press the arms back up again. Repeat 8 - 12 times per set.
Lateral Lifts
Begin by standing upright, with your feet about shoulder width apart, and knees slightly bent. Hold the dumbbells in both the hands. Now, bending your elbows slightly, lift the dumbbells from your sides up to the shoulder level until the arms are parallel to the floor. Then, lower the dumbbells back down from your sides. Repeat 8 - 12 times per set.

For the Back

Dead Lifts
Begin by standing upright, with your feet about shoulder width apart, and knees slightly bent. Hold the dumbbells in both the hands. Now, bend your knees and lower back, lowering the dumbbells down towards your feet. Ensure to keep the lower back a little arched inwards. Then, using the muscles of your lower back and that of your legs stand upright again, along with lifting the weights. Repeat 8 - 12 times per set.

Lying Down Bent Over Rows

Begin by lying face down on a bench, holding dumbbells in both your hands. Let your arms hang down. Then, pull the dumbbells upwards towards your chest. Then, slowly lower them back down. Repeat 8 - 12 times.

For the Legs

Semi Squats
Begin by standing upright, your feet about shoulder width apart, and holding dumbbells in both the hands kept by your sides. Now, keeping your back straight, bend your knees until your thighs are a little parallel to the floor. Don't allow your knees to turn inwards. Then, straighten back up. Repeat 8 - 12 times per set.
Lunges with Dumbbells
Begin by standing upright, with your feet a little less than shoulder width apart, and holding dumbbells in both the hands kept by your sides. Then, using your right foot, step forward and bend your knee to about 90 degrees. As you place your right foot in the front, bend the knee of the left leg behind so that it almost touches the floor. Then, pushing on your front foot, get back to the starting position. Repeat 8 - 12 times and then switch legs. An advanced form of this exercise is to do it with alternate legs per lunge.

For the Chest

Chest Presses
Begin by lying down flat on your back on a bench, and hold the dumbbells right above your chest with your arms extended straight up. Then, bending your elbows slightly, bring your arms down from your sides with the elbows still remaining bent. When the upper arms get parallel to the floor, lift the dumbbells back up again. Repeat 8 - 12 times per set.
If you're a beginner, always remember to perform these exercises only under the supervision of a fitness expert. In case of an injury or mishap, do not delay in seeking medical advice. It is extremely important to enjoy the whole process of exercising in order to reap maximum benefits from it. Take care and stay fit!
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only. Always consult a physician before starting any physical fitness program in order to reduce the risk of injury.