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Dumbbell Deadlift Workouts

A full-body exercise, you can perform a deadlift with either a heavy barbell or dumbbells. Read the story to find different deallift workouts to do with dumbbells.
Sheetal Mandora
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only. Always consult a physician before starting any physical fitness program in order to reduce the risk of injury.
When you perform the exercises properly, it helps target your back, buttocks, and legs (thighs). The primary muscles that are being worked on are your glutes, quadriceps, and erector spinae. There are some secondary muscles which are benefited as well, such as your traps, abs, abductors, hamstrings, etc.
Now if only one workout can reach so many muscle groups, why shouldn't we perform it, right? Well, let's not waste anymore time and get right to the proper technique.
Basic Deadlift
  • Stand straight with the dumbbells in both hands. Choose weights as per your comfort.
  • Keep the feet hip-width apart, back straight, and hands on your sides.
  • Inhale, and while exhaling bend your knees to go down.
  • Bring the dumbbells close to the floor but don't touch it.
  • As you bend your knees to come down, keep your back straight at all times. Don't bend it, but just lean slightly forward.
  • Come back up, and repeat the steps; keep breathing normally.
  • Do at least 3―4 sets of 15―20 repetitions each.
Stiff-Leg Deadlift
  • Stand straight with the dumbbells in both hands. Choose weights comfortable for you.
  • Keep feet hip-width apart, back straight, and hands on your sides.
  • Inhale, and while exhaling bring your upper body down. Keep knees straight at all times.
  • Your hamstrings will become tight as you bring the dumbbells closer to the floor. Don't touch the floor with them.
  • When you bring the dumbbells down, keep them in front of your legs so that it will be easier for you to maneuver them.
  • Come back up, and repeat the steps; keep breathing normally.
  • Do at least 3―4 sets of 15―20 repetitions each.
Romanian Deadlift
  • Stand straight with the dumbbells in both hands. Choose weights comfortable for you.
  • Keep feet hip-width apart, back straight, and hands on your sides.
  • Make sure you don't lock your knees during the workout.
  • Come down bringing the dumbbells closer to the floor. Keep your back flat, and not curved.
  • You will push your hips slightly backward to come down easily.
  • Don't touch the dumbbells to the floor. Come back up, and repeat the steps; keep breathing normally.
  • Do at least 3―4 sets of 15―20 repetitions each.
While doing any of the above mentioned workouts, make sure you don't pause in the middle. As in, whether you are standing straight or bending down, do ensure it is done smoothly. Try to keep your weight leveled and not put stress of your upper or lower back while you are doing the deadlifts.