Ever gripped by a sudden dizzy spell after an exercise routine? Wondering why that happens and what you're supposed to do about it? Here are the reasons that lead to dizziness after exercise and the solutions for the same.
If you've experienced dizziness after exercise any time in your life, then you'd want to know why that happens and what you're supposed to do about it, right? Then let's get you answers to that particular conundrum and help you with the same.
What Causes Dizziness After Exercise
Dizziness during exercise or even after an exercise session is not something that one would normally want to be experiencing. Also, it is a clear indication of something being wrong with the body. What does lightheadedness after exercise spell?
Low Blood Sugar
Do you know that you're supposed to have a small snack before you get to your exercise session? Because this food will provide for the energy which is necessary to carry through the workout. If there is no nutrition in the body, the blood sugar level will be lowered instantly and that is what will cause the feelings of dizziness to take over.
If there is no food to draw the energy from, the body will not be able to cope with the strain and it will lead to a feeling of being faint and strained.
Solution It is imperative that one has a small snack that is high in carbohydrates and protein before hitting the gym. The body will draw energy from these foods and burn the calories in the body better and faster. This is a preventive measure.
As part of the treatment, have a glucose drink or a piece of chocolate, and the levels of salts and minerals as well as sugars will be brought back to normal.
High or Low Blood Pressure
People who suffer from high or low blood pressure are more prone to be afflicted with this condition, did you know? This blood pressure can be a side effect to certain medication forms that are being taken.
High or low blood pressure constricts the normal circulation of blood throughout the body and thereby prevents the oxygen from reaching all parts of the body. When there is less oxygen being supplied to the body, it results in the abnormal functioning of the bodily functions and can thereby cause dizziness.
Solution It has to be seen that you do not do any strenuous exercises which can act as a trigger to bring about changes in the blood pressure. Lie down on the floor and take deep breaths. This will ensure that the blood is distributed equally throughout. Consume glucose water to replace the lost salts.
It is important that you take in a sip or two of water from time to time while exercising. Water is an important factor to keep the system well hydrated. It has been seen that dizziness and nausea after exercise is a common symptom if there is lack of water in the system.
Solution Do not forget to keep sipping small amounts of water throughout the workout session. Have only small sips and not a considerable volume because that will lead to cramps. After the session, have as much water as you can consume. You need to replenish the lost water through sweating.
Doing heavy-duty exercises at a very fast rate is known to cause dizziness after exercise. This is because the body is put under tremendous pressure such that the blood cannot reach all the parts equally and cannot carry with it the required amounts of oxygen.
At the same time, the blood is drawn from the intestinal tracts to support the high intensity workout and causes weakness, muscles spasms, cramping and varying degrees of pain.
Solution Pace yourself when you do these exercises. If you know that the exercise is a high intensity one that might trigger the symptoms of weakness and dizziness in you, you need to take it slow. Do not forget to carry out warm up exercises which will prevent the onset of any muscle sprains and injury.
Anemia is another common cause of dizziness and it is a condition that is characterized by a low red blood cell count. This then affects the iron content in the body and causes a deficiency of the same. An iron deficiency usually leads to a weak immune system and brings about weakness, feeling tired faster and dizziness with slight physical exertion.
Solution The levels of iron in the body need to be boosted so that the anemia can be treated. This is done by consuming green leafy vegetables that are high in iron like spinach and beet roots.
Shallow Breathing
Shallow breathing means that a person does not breathe full deep breaths. Breathing which is done from the chest and not from deep inside the abdomen allows for very low levels of oxygen to be breathed in. When that happens, all the bodily functions get affected and the brain gets less amount of oxygen. This causes dizziness.
Solution Consciously breathing in deep breaths that start at the abdomen will ensure that your body gets enough oxygen supply. Catch yourself every time you breathe in a shallow breath and correct it right there.
Dizziness during or after exercises can ensue due to any of these reasons. Make sure that you know what your triggering factors are and then prevent their onset in the first place. Then there have to be no negative symptoms making way when you exercise and you can complete a session better and feel good about it too.