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Daily Exercise Tips

Mayuri Kulkarni
Exercising on a daily basis is necessary to lead a healthy life. The story given here deals with some useful daily exercise tips that you can follow. Read on...
These days many of us follow a sedentary lifestyle that invites several health problems, which include obesity, hypertension and stress. Exercising has always been promoted as a key to a healthy and fit life. Performing exercises on a daily basis, not only helps improve your health but also boosts self-confidence and relieves stress.
Exercising is a wonderful way of re-energizing your body and soul. So, have you finally decided to make exercising a part of your daily routine and want some daily tips on exercising? Then, here are some simple tips for a daily exercise routine.

Workout Tips

  • It is not compulsory to join a gym for exercising. You can go for simple exercises that do not require special equipment, such as brisk walking, and running and jogging.
  • Include a variety of exercises so that you do not get bored with your daily exercise routine.
  • Always have a pair of dumbbells and a Swiss ball, so that you can perform various exercises at home.
  • You should wear a comfortable outfit while exercising. These include comfortable and properly fitted footwear and loose clothes.
  • Turn on the music every time you exercise. Listen to some good workout songs that will keep you entertained.
  • Keep a record of exercises that you have performed. For example, note down the number of push ups or sit-ups you performed. This will help you to increase the number of repetitions gradually.
  • Never overdo and see that you exercise for 30 to 60 minutes daily.
  • If you prefer working out at home, then take help of workout videos and learn the exact steps to perform various exercises.
  • You can take a break from your workout once a week.
  • Instead of drinking diet soft drinks or cold drinks, drink water. This will avoid the consumption of excess calories.
  • Always perform warm up exercises before you start your workout.
  • You should perform all types of exercises that will target all the muscles of your body.
  • If you are working out at the gym, make sure to learn a proper method of using the gym equipment. You may end up hurting yourself if you are unaware of the proper technique.
  • Concentrate on your breathing while performing the exercises. You should breathe out on muscle contraction and breathe in on muscle relaxation.
  • Aerobic exercises are fun and you can perform this exercise when you get bored with your monotonous exercise routine.
  • Exercise with a friend or family member to add fun and alleviate boredom.
  • Along with the cardiovascular exercises, include strength training exercises in your daily workout program, since they benefit a lot.
  • Bring a change in your workout program after every 4 weeks to avoid hitting a workout plateau.

Tips on Exercises for Weight Loss

  • Watch what you eat! To lose weight you need to burn more calories than what you eat. So spend more energy than what you consume.
  • Do not jump on crash and fad diets and follow a healthy diet plan. Change your eating habits and increase the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Measure your height and find out your ideal weight, this will help you to set your goals. You should lose a minimum of one pound per week.
  • Stay away from junk and greasy foods. Also decrease the intake of high carbohydrate food products like pasta, white bread and potato.
  • Make yourself aware of the calories in different food items, this will help you to restrict the calorie intake.
  • Try different types of exercises if you get bored with the same old exercise routine.
  • Set your goals! But see that the goals are realistic and you do not starve or over exert yourself.
  • Never compare yourself with others, because everybody has different requirements and each one of us loses weight with different speeds.
  • You should sleep for eight hours to give good rest to your body.
  • Have small and frequent meals. Do not skip breakfast and follow the age-old rule, "Breakfast like a king, lunch like a common man and dinner like a beggar!"
  • Increase the intake of dietary fiber as they help to absorb fats in the body.
  • Drinking water is a must for good weight loss, so drink a minimum 8 glasses of water daily.
  • Activeness is the key to weight loss! Avoid using elevators and climb the stairs. Walk to the store nearby, burn calories and save fuel. If you have a pet, take it with you for a walk.
Well, the list of daily exercise tips is quite long and these were some of the important ones. It is always wise to consult a physical trainer who will help you design your workout plan. Make exercising a daily requirement for your body and this will surely keep you healthy and fit. Good Luck!