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Core Exercises for Runners

Mamta Mule
Strong core muscles are essential for better performance and endurance while running. Here are a few good core exercises that can prove useful for runners.
Core exercises help to build strong core muscles, and provide a base for running as well as other activities. Strengthening the core muscles is essential to improve the running economy, speed, and power. It will increase your endurance, so that your body can deal with the extreme stress of running, without getting tired. Here are some basic exercises that target the muscles and movements, which are most important in improving the performance while running.

Abdominal Curl

On an exercise mat, lie flat on your back. Bend your knees, and bring your heels close to the buttocks. Tuck your chin in, and rest your hands over your chest. Now, slowly curl your upper body towards the knees, until your shoulder is off the floor. Do not lift your lower back, and make sure your neck is not strained. Focus on contracting your abdominal muscles. Hold this position for five seconds, and lower your upper body to curl back to the floor.

Double Crunch

Lie on your back, bend your knees, and raise the legs, such that the lower legs are parallel to the floor, and the upper legs are perpendicular to the floor. Rest your arms over your chest. Now, slowly curl your upper body towards your knees until your shoulder blades are off the floor. Make sure you are not straining the neck, and that your lower back remains on the floor. Slowly allow your hips and upper body to curl back to the floor, and come back to the initial position.

Extended Arm Crunch

To perform this exercise, you have to lie flat on your back. Flex your knees, and bring the heels close to your buttocks. Now, keep your chin tucked into the chest. Extend the arms straight above the head with your hands clasped, keeping the arms next to the ears. Contract the abs, and slowly curl your upper body towards your knees until your shoulder blades are off the floor. Hold this position for a moment, and slowly lower your upper body to the floor.

Core Stabilization

Lie down on your stomach, and keep your hips tightly tucked. Do not arch or curl the lower back, and keep your body straight. Support your body weight with your feet and forearms touching the floor, and lift your body. Holding this position, lift your left arm, and stay in this position for 20 seconds.
Now return the left arm to the support position, and repeat the motion using your right arm. Return the right arm to the original support position. Lift your left foot off the mat, and hold it in air for 20 seconds Return it to the original position, and repeat the motion using your right foot.
Now, lift your right arm and left foot off the mat, simultaneously, and hold this position for 20 seconds. Here, you are supporting your body weight with your left forearm, and your right foot. Now, bring your forearm and foot to the initial position. Lift your left arm and right foot, hold the position for 20 seconds, and lower them to the original position.
While doing each of the exercises, exhale during the upward motion, and inhale during the downward motion. Also perform 15-20 reps, and 2 sets of each exercise. Core exercises will definitely help to improve balance and coordination, to become a better runner.