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Chest Fat Exercises

Pragya T
Since chest fat can be an embarrassing problem for men, it is important to follow the right chest exercises and a healthy diet to get rid of it.
Guys who have man boobs know how embarrassing the problem can be. To prevent man boobs, one needs to work out and follow a good diet. Given below are important chest exercises, that will help you lose chest fat fast and effectively. However, apart from cardio, weight training exercises are needed to lose the undesirable fat. It is equally important that you follow a diet which is balanced and contains lots of fruits, salads, and no junk food.


Cardiovascular exercises will help to lose overall body fat, thus cardio will be helping you to reduce fat from chest area too. You can do a jogging and running cardio workout on a treadmill. However, if you want to lose chest fat fast, then concentrate on cardio workouts which focus on chest.
Some good cardio workouts are workout on an elliptical trainer, cycling, and swimming. In these exercises a lot of pressure is exerted on the chest region, the pressure generates heat which helps in burning fat from chest. These were the three cardio workouts, here are 5 exercises which focus greatly on the chest region.

Jumping Jacks

Jumping jacks are fun to perform and don't require much effort. To perform jumping jacks, stand upright, keep your feet together, and hands resting at the sides. Then raise your hand upwards and touching each other, and simultaneously spread your feet out to the sides. Then simultaneously bring your feet back and hands back to the sides. Perform 20 repetitions.

Alternate Ab Crunches

For this abdominal crunches exercise lie down flat on your back with your knees in the air. Put your hands behind your heads and keep your feet steady on the ground. Then do a crunch by bringing your left elbow close to the right knee. Go to the starting position, switch sides, and repeat. Do 10 - 15 repetitions.

Bench Press

To do this exercise use light weights and as you gather stamina use slightly heavier weights. Lie flat on the bench under the rack which holds the bar, align your eyes approximately with the front of the barbell rack upright. Keep a neutral lying down position on the bench with feet on the ground and wide apart.
Maintain a slight bend in the spine. Then lift the bar, hold for 2 seconds, and bring it close to your chest. If you are a beginner to the bench press exercise, then it is important you seek an instructor's help.

Dumbbell Workout

If you can't do bench press, then by using a pair of basic dumbbells you can perform this exercise at home. This exercise should be done with 6 repetitions. Curls are a good for losing chest fat. Keep the dumbbell out and in front of you. Then slowly raise left dumbbell up till it becomes chin high, hold it for 3 seconds, and slowly lower it down. Then repeat the exercise with the right dumbbell.


Push-ups can be done anytime and are great not just for losing fat from chest region, but also building pectoral muscles. To do this exercise, keep your body completely straight and stretched. Maintain tips of your toes and palm resting on the floor.
The hands should be kept under the shoulder axis and flat on the floor, with your arms slightly bent out. Now slowly lower your body, and in the end position bend your arms at a right angle. Go back to starting position and repeat. Perform 15 repetitions.
So, form a daily routine that includes half an hour of cardio and half an hour of the chest exercises. Also, make sure you stick to a balanced and healthy diet to lose chest fat quickly and effectively.