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Cardiovascular Exercises at Home

Aastha Dogra
Cardiovascular exercises are the ones which increase the heart rate and metabolism. The given story suggests seven effective exercises which can be performed at the convenience of one's home.
Most people who plan to undertake cardiovascular exercises, do it to lose weight. However, not many know that besides burning calories, they have various other benefits. These exercises improve the functioning of vital organs like lungs and heart.
They also help in maintaining a normal metabolic activity, thus keeping weight gain in check, and making the person feel energetic at all times. So, cardio exercises are best for those who want to increase their stamina, maintain a healthy heart rate, and burn calories at the same time. Exercising at least for half an hour, thrice a week is very effective.

Walking or Running

Walking or running helps in strengthening and toning the legs, as well as improving the blood circulation. Ideally, one should run outdoor.
However, if you prefer indoor workouts, you can invest in a treadmill. You can walk or run at whatever speed you are comfortable with. To run faster, you can increase the speed, and decrease it to run slower.
To make the workout more intensive, you can increase the slope of the treadmill. This equipment also helps you keep a check on how many calories you are burning, and your heart rate at the time of exercising. Thus, you can mold your workout with these special features, according to your requirement.

Rope Skipping

Rope skipping is very easy to perform at home. It not only helps in keeping the body fit, but is also very beneficial in improving the coordination between eyes and hands. Devote 20 to 30 minutes to skipping everyday, to provide a complete workout to your body. To make the exercise more beneficial start with faster and higher jumps, and gradually decrease the speed.


Aerobics is a must in any exercise routine. It helps in burning fat from the legs and buttocks. Half an hour of aerobics activity can burn near about 400 calories. Not to mention, how enjoyable it can be when a variety of movements are included in the routine, and are performed on some peppy workout songs.


One needs to invest in a stationary exercise bike to cycle at home. For a more intensive workout, choose a bike without a back rest. Keep switching the resistance levels every few minutes to get maximum benefit.

Stair Climbing

This is one of the most simple workouts. All you have to do is climb the staircase few times a day. So, whether you are cooking in the kitchen, or working on your laptop; make it a point to climb up and down the stairs in your house every one hour.


This can be quite fun, especially if you play some foot tapping music, and dance to its fast tunes. Dancing can provide a complete body workout, similar to aerobics and is an excellent fat-burning exercise.


You will need a large, solid block, or at least a 12-inch box for this one. Start the exercise by stepping on this sturdy box with your left foot. Step up with your left foot and then step down with the right one. Do this 12 to 15 times, and then repeat with the other foot.
The mentioned exercises should be combined with a healthy diet, to yield maximum benefits. So, for a fit heart, energetic body, and an alert mind; make and stick to a routine of healthy eating and exercising.